Rambling concepts

Should I write anything? I don’t know…

I guess I might as well, these thoughts don’t go anywhere else.


–This is just a collection of rambles. Not everything needs to be profound.

I do like exploring different parts of my own past and history in this way, though.

Different points where the connection is stronger. I remember when I encountered this sense of the light when I was still in high school. Lots of fun self-development things were going on at that time. I like revisiting some of the themes from that time. I had thoughts of being an olympic athlete or going to an Ivy League school lol.

I never really had the competitive drive for it, but I did enjoy all of the training. I like a lot of the brain fields since they make the brain training a bit more like physical training with how it can be regimented.
I might write some more stuff about dissident physics things, since they have the best connection to things I’ve experienced and some of the material is hard to find. We will see how things go.


Expression is a pathway for growth - by giving these thoughts a physical quality that others can interact with, they will travel quicker, and pathways for more profound exploration will unfold - alongside more visceral expressions of energy.


Please do!


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I like weird books. It’s one thing where odd ideas are taken for granted and people commit to paper. It’s something else when the ideas are expressed rigorously and are born from a strong discipline of getting the concepts to match the phenomena.

*Edit – Oh well, there goes my formatting lol


Interesting eclipse day. It started off with probably the worst nosebleed that I’ve had in years lol. I don’t know exactly what the trigger was, but I could feel an energy around it. The blood is solar, so it does have a peculiar relation to the events of the day.

I’m not in the direct path of the eclipse, but there was a noticeable change in the lighting. And when the light started to dim, there was a peculiar slackening to the qualities of energy in the immediate atmosphere.As though the sun had a gravitational pull that gave order to the flow patterns in the energy, and the moon took the “wind out of it’s sails”, so to speak. When walking around, it was a bit like wading through mud, but with a lightness to it.

It was a strange blend. In the hours where the light first began to shift, there were plenty of unpleasant energies that arose as well. That sort of jagged and entropic burn quality. An intermittant quality of bombast and aggression, quite similar to what frequently gets blasted on the forum lol. And, at that point, I decided to run a circuit of uplifting and protecting fields. Shatchandi Yagna, the Love Graviton, Blessings of Freya, and Blessings of Aphrodite.

The fields seemed to run into resistance as they played, but the closer things got to the full eclipse, the more the light vibes seemed to take over. Instead of wading through mud, it was like walking through a mist and being one, in some sense, with it.


I don’t have a high quality camera, but I have a bunch of different shots of the sky and shadows at midday


Same here :slight_smile:

I think you might like these ones too:


Interesting… Thanks.

I may look more into those.

I think I might have seen the Flying Serpents one at around the same time that Marshall Masters was on Youtube talking about how Planet-X was going to shake everythig up. Time Rivers seems very familiar too, but I can’t find anything that relates to it. Something about the rivers and astrological ages sounds familiar, though. —There’s definitely something with the energy of the pyramids. I’ve never been there, but I know an advanved qigong practitioner who did and he mentioned something distinct about the place.

I typically go for the fringe science and math books, but those are reminding a bit of these:


I’m adjusting some things with NFT usage. I’ve been behind layers of shields for a while and things still get through. I won’t give any direct details, but I think I might work with Psychic Empathy a bit more.

I had been on a hiatus with intermittant work. Sometimes, the sensitivity was too great and it was better to step away for a little while. Other times, work was taxing enough that it was like living as a scab or a callous-- either not feeling much, or feeling mostly not great things.

Getting back to Psychic Empathy was a refreshing experience. It feels a bit like the Love Gravitational Wave and Aphrodite had become more strongly imprinted in my energy field since I listened during the eclipse, but that may just be a temporary thing. But, regardless of what’s going on, it’s made for a smoother re-integration experience. A strong re-building of the head-heart connection.

I don’t know too much about psychic abilities that I would want to work on. In general, I just appreciate being a bit of a raw nerve, open to the world lol. Being hghly sensitive and feeling everything that happens. It’s frequently not a pleasant thing, and if there are occult factors around it can definitely go in weird directions. But, under good conditions, it is a very nice way to be. To sit un the sun, feel the photons reach the surface of my skin, feel the breeze, the solidity of the ground, everything.

I mostly just like getting a clearer and more extensive direct experience of things. So, for me, Psychic Empathy is number one. But I also like things like the Test of Tetrachromacy, the Sharp Senses NFT, and other things that enhance perceptions. Being open to the world around is what makes the miraculous effusive in the mundane.

It’s very easy to lose senses, though. In the first phases when the project was just minted, viewing any type of violent media would be a painful experience. But, that goes away with exposure. Lots of things go away with exposure. So I mostly just work with Psy Empathy to keep the sensitivity thresholds low. Or to enhance wiring in the Insula and other areas; it’s too easy to become stuck in a callous shell after the pain sets in.


High energy event which amplifies one’s “crystallization/manifestation” powers. (Will Power)

Many people lack the sufficient awareness to leverage such periods constructively. Or at the very least, to neutralize energetic fluxes.

(Of course, crystalized beliefs and structures will exert a stronger influence)


Alchemized Astral appearances… interesting.

In the early years of spiritual seeking, I had been bombarded by a lot of bad contitioning around the development of different capabilities. People saying to not open the third eye, not develop any extrasensory perception, ignore the astral layers. All kinds of things.

There is a general level of wisdom with that. Many people break into one capability and it becomes like a new toy that they become obsessed with. And, with things like the astral levels of reality, it can become a massive distraction for people. --In my own scholarship, it seems that almost every religion that had a high alchemy (capable of transcending the cycles of death and rebirth) was eventually brought to the point of losing that knowledge because people became obsessed with astral realms and ritual activities. —Things that were far more engaging and dynamic than the discipline of meditation and internal refinement.

So, I’ve been pushed away from doing anything astral. But I’ve taken some level of interest in it. I’m still annoyed that I can barely see anything through clairvoyance, and one element of it would be related to astral vision. So I think I will be leveraging different things to enhance visual capabilities as well as astral capabilities.

I’ve picked up the Astral Portal, and the training fields should be interesting to try as well. And I can also leverage the capabilities of the Light of Mages and Psychic Empathy to help break into different layers. I think the greatest difficulty will be getting around/past sleep deprivation. I typically get 5 hours of sleep or less and that’s generally not enough.


Breakaway reasons for wanting to explore the astral:

I’ve always had a connection to the Fae. They’re shown up for my in many different places. I think there’s always been a strong connection on the Maternal side of my family. There were always figurines of pixies at my grandmas house, and different statues of unicorns and dragons that my mother had kept.

I had also had an interest in folklore and arthurian things when I was younger, so the Fae made recurrent appearances in media related to that and even in a book I found randomly at a thrift store many years ago:

So it would be very neat to finally see them. The energy has always been in my life, in one way or another. And it seems that a lot of fields that I have are Fae related. And the Alchemized Faery Being is the newest addition… I would very much like to see what it is actually doing some day lol

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So I guess more training shall commence.


if you do the following, you can format it as a table

   | blank_header | blank_header | blank_header | blank_header |
   | - | - | - | - |
   | image1 | image2 | image3 | image 4 |

and so on, like this (edit: it does require a \ (backslash) before the | (pipe) of the [image|150] otherwise it interprets the pipe as a column boundary)

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Well, try as I might, I couldn’t get it to work.

I was able to get closer, but there’s still something broken in the format whenever I finalize it.

“Once you’ve defined your enemy the day got structure”.


I don’t know where that quote is from, but I guess… people choose their reference points, and orient accordingly.

I don’t define enemies… I know what is good, and I try to preserve it. Many things are in opposition, but they aren’t necessarily enemies. People can have opposing views, and even resort to passive aggression and mockery, It is what it is.

Maybe there is wisdom in defining enemies? lol. Or, at least, (in a weakened form), acknowledging that we may never be on genuinely good terms with some people. Some people define their existence in one way, others chose another way----set them in the same room, and it’s not gonna work lol. Against all my wishes, some things just don’t resolve lol.

Early on, I held the sort of non-dual, one-ness view. But that tends to not be something that shows up in a genuine way in many places. It’s like someone avoiding conflict by saying “yes, we agree”, and then moving in to push you in another direction. Sort of in the way of “yes, we agree— and now (since we agree), do this and that and this other thing” lol.

It makes me wonder how to consider things in reality. With all the diagrams and discussions of layers of matter, there are a bunch of different ways to think about it. Different cosmologies can show up depending on where the priority is given. --We could have a unified material world, with a bunch of subtle areas branching off in their own pocket dimensions. We could have a unified “immaterial” world, with a bunch of different physical things. We could have a singular world, with everything in the same system. Or a Wholly disunified world, where our sense of uniformity is only in the overlap that we agree on.

But, I guess, at the end of the day none of it really matters to me lol. The inner world of yin and yang remains the same, the the moral obligation that I endorse is the same—to steward the life force. People can try to steal different attainments that show up on the Path, but the Path itself is the point.

It keeps on keeping on, regardless of honor and shame, regardless of freinds and foes lol.