Random thoughts thread

Use attunement card too, activate it multiple times a day and carry it on you

Prayanama video with Sammy good

Soul restoration series

Ask servitors to consistently develop your energy system, ask them to develop your energetic threshold and capacity to be able to handle more energetic input and output

Ask divine beings or deities to help you with this

Raise vibrations

Get negentropic 3 treasures (or free equivalent), use it daily and listen to transmutation and microcosmic orbit daily

Get well acquaintanted with plasma, so much can be done

Mana circuits, course fields (i used to listen to course fields daily)

Some mstates are good for nervous system, i forget which one though cuz i haven’t listened in so long lol

Every day push your limits a little further and then rest when you think you should rest, don’t be hard headed about it either, it’s like working out…

Which brings me to my next point, work out! Go hard as hell man, give it your everything and eat goooooddd as hell! This will develop you energetically as well…


These are all things I’ve done over the years, many bricks cut from different stones from different areas where used in the creation of the energetic powerhouse… No one type of brick was used alone, what I’m trying to say is, a single stroke wasn’t used to paint the picture, it was many of them from all sorts of angles over a period of time lol
