Random thoughts thread

God bless coffee

So I just found the tiniest beetle next to me, and it seemed dead (it fell to the floor and did not react, legs or whatever they’re called clasped). And I was like noooo no no no no no no when I saw it. Took it in my hand, ‘caressed it’, and wished it would come back to life. Then I remember I dreamt of a beetle last night.
Left it next to me, not knowing what to do with it.
I was playing First Light of Dawn.
A couple of minutes later I notice little beetle starting to move like Heeeey!!! stopping like dead every once in a while.
Then starts moving towards me (or my phone?).
Then I take it on my finger and it opens its wings and flies a bit like HEEEYYYY!!! :star_struck::partying_face:
Then it flies confidently towards the window.
Then I open the window and send it out :P



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I cried a little

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Rightly put. Too bad I don’t drink coffee anymore and man is been tiring (seems like something might be messing with my fields integration also, haven’t had much luck with energizing fields).
But yea
Just two nights ago I was told of the Breath of the Dao, then I ‘saw’ the I AM going into the Milky Way, and told of the ‘Blinding Light of My Eye’ and such :innocent:
Gotta say, First Light of Dawn might be made for this…
While playing this, I’ve sometimes seen a great Sun rising and lighting a path I was on in the darkness of dawn (and man it was dark), or
quite literally this

A HUGE pyramid of light, like the first morning rays, only lighting up EVERYTHING, in something like a luxuriant garden.
so encouraging, to say the least.
Thank you.


How you doin?

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Illuminati confirmed

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I am doing good. I heal and become better. I conquer life. Life wants to be conquered by me so I accepted the offer to become a conqueror.

A true warrior that found the battle and fought till the brink of death.

By the presence of the holy light and the guidance from the holliest of the people I become strong.

And by eating more vegetables.

And after life I conquer afterlife too.

Thanks for asking.

May that God bless your soul. And your soul be a blessing. May you shine brightly as two,three, even four suns.

Thank you.


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Thank you.
I wish you the same, Warrior

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I wish you again the same and reflect all the gratitude into quadriple of it.

And after the quadrillions times too.

Take the blessing now and become blessed for 400 generations. Blessed

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I Accept this blessing!

May you be blessed to continue to impart ever gracious blessings and may they all come back to you!

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Now. I’m going to go and put that energy to good use.
Have a swell day!

And thank you for asking :)

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It may all come back to me. But I take them, make the megazillion times more and give back to you.

i give you all and all and you say to me “I accept” and I say to you “didn’t ask” and I give you more.

Now take all blessings ever existed

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Thanks for being here

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Always smooth with the ladies

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I concur

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Concur concur concur

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