Random thoughts thread

Isnt he the dude who got cancelled over being a douchebag in Aokigahara Forest

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Yep, he also pulled a crypto scam a year ago and refuses to pay back the victims lmao

He needs his logans paulled

Boxing matchees

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So I saw Alkul suggesting a stack of the flow of jing + the orgone accumulator + revision of self-love

I tried it and that’s the first time I felt an effect from a self-love field

I wonder what do jing and orgone do

I assume it’s to accumulate energy and improve its flow

And if so, maybe these two act like a booster to any other field

But yet you can’t listen to the orgone accumulator too much

Also I just reread the description and realised it says “as to not produce any detrimental effects”

Detrimental not demential…

I thought I’d become retarded but I’d just get hurt in a mysterious way
Alright then


What if you were completely and properly loved, nurtured and encouraged to be the best we ultimately can be.
Wouldn’t we have more potential to do a lot more things in the present moment as more aspects of our being would have grown.
What if you were actually able to do that? get that life long support.
This is not meant to substitute or replace the real work a parent tries to do.
This is meant to provide an addition and enhancing to get the potential of the best you possible, it may even heal mental states or let you feel that powerful and strong support deep in the depths of your being.

That’s something that I don’t quite get… being loved and nurtured to a high level… I mean, I get it. But when people talk about having missed that and wanting it… it’s like there’s an expectation that all kinds of things should just be given.

I’ve had that when growing up. But I think one of the best things has been a decent level of neglect lol. Being able to sit crying on the playground for a few hours and nobody checks in to see what’s wrong. That’s a worthwhile experience for people, one that I’ve had way back in the early elementary school timeframe lol.

If people had that, they might realize that there won’t always be help. They might realize that they need to take responsibility for themselves. Even if you’re at rock bottom, you aren’t dead yet; all you need to do is take stock of where you are and see where your ability to move resides.

Go step by step, and gradually get better at doing different things until you can stand on your own two feet and not depend overmuch on the inputs and resources of others. And, if the time comes where you have no support, it’ll be alright because you won’t absolutely need it.



What do you think the field does though?

It doesn’t take away from all the bad stuff life throws at you, that will still be there regardless.

What if being properly loved by your parents means this as well? Being overprotective or whatever is not “properly loved”

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Oh, that was just a random thought in response to what I was reading. I wasn’t making any reference to what the field might do.

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On a different note, it was cloudy all day. So if the eclipse happened, it made no impact on the ambient lighting.

Oh lmao

Ignore then

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Go to sleep bro

Got work tomorrow

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lmao shamefur dispray xD

If only Disney (that independent tax zone thingy they are) was fed up with live-actions too


I like videos like that… markers of history.

This stuff has been available for only a few decades and it’s already re-written so many things. Re-formed so many patterns of thought and behavior in the world’s population. …So many layers of the mental/energy body…

I like the early view of the internet more than the current view…

I don’t want to lose track of the awareness that existed when it was new… before it was integrated with everything.

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Ah, I found my tribe lol


World is yours
