Random thoughts thread

I’m thinking of doing volunteer work at music festival. Anyone has any experience? Any tips? :)

may you use this gif soon

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Just remembered a story about a boxer who used auto-suggestion to become faster and it wasn’t working. So he asked his higher mind why?

It told him he didn’t deserve it cause he smoked.

It was a sort of self-worth issue. So he worked on that, but stopped smoking too.

He couldn’t keep boxing cause apparently he was too fast even for the slow motion cameras so he was told to be cheating.

I wonder if he could have kept smoking and just loved himself regardless.

Anyways, a reminder to use revision of guilt, self-love fields and to develop good habits. Nothing can be lacking.

Then you go superhuman xD


Hello homies
Wassup yall

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On the other hand I bought myself a pizza and a waffle and left the grocery store without buying what I should have bought instead cause there was a “Miss Slow seven tabs” mofo, and while I am patient, it seems my higher self isn’t xD Which explains many things xD

Or maybe quantum love ain’t no weakling love xD


Hello sir how u doing?

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Today snow everywhere lol

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Reminds me of this


Ngl this was my first reaction today when I stepped out. It is like 30 september: hot, 1 december at 0:01am: let it snow let it snow let it snow.

I mean it isn’t snowing but it’s cold…and sunny, so I wasn’t expecting it.

Random thoughts:

The music she listens to:

Her personality:

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Let’s see :joy::joy::joy:

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Love gravitation.


There is a disturbance in the force. I don’t know what it is, but it is there.

Common symtoms (from people I know):

Getting sick physically while claiming they feel good.

Sleeping less, regularly and without problem (depends on how little sleep they get though).

So today I went right into that group so…waht the hell is it?

Healer primer

Time to party.

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“This way up” stamp on boxes is unnecessary 95% of the time.

Change my mind xD

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Opeeeen yourrr miiiind

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Did you have a reference in mind? Like a movie or smth or just saying?

Rick and Morty quatos?

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I do wonder if that would make the delivery people be more careful with the boxes…

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