Random thoughts thread

And of course…

Que no pare la fiesta :DD

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Sound baths make me lustful.

And perhaps the salt bath. Are you sure you want to risk it? :DDDDDDDD

Don’t worry, little grasshopper. Lilith and I don’t know each other. I usually joke about these things but I’ve been in almost asexual mode for years. Almost. There has been some slip :sauropod:

I’m just messing around.

Thought I’d give another side of me some screen time.

I wish…


@Sarecha Alternative Payment Methods - What has worked for you? 💲 :wink:

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Hmmm, that’s odd … do you still feel a disturbance while posting or is it just out of habit at this point lol

You can just @ him while sending a message to someone else and remove them afterwards.

Na, continuing the chain.

You can remove them without actually sending lol.

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Mahashunya is pure intuition … at a certain point your ego will try to make you feel scared or small, it uses both sides of the pendulum.

Way of integrity really helps.


It’s a massive flood … you can choose what to let in or keep out … a flood of Endless Peace :slight_smile:


Memes are a cool way to build central networks … everyone doing the delete thing for the heck of it is tapping into the same circuit.

idk but mine certainly seems to learn new notions fast

jfc, it really is like in the Revolver movie.
what in the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

I’m not sure why you’re dodging the answer to all your questions, which you already know … what is it that you are actually afraid of?

You don’t lose anything except “illusions” by accepting things as you already know they are … even faster, change will come, when more begin to do this



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2 Healthy (sane) Young Women:

Young women lol, I speak like I’m 50 lol (BTW, you’re still relatively young as a 50 years old, you’re not 100 :skull_and_crossbones:).

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