By the way one thing I want to mention.
about an hour ago I was watching Saint Michael thread and I told stuff there that here is the live testimonial. I think it’s pretty obvious the guy changed me a lot.
Meeting right people, achieving, making me wanna be better and better etc. Protection and stuff.
I really appreciate this thread you know.Because of everyone contributed here.
Wanted to mention because he is amazing. And still can’t get my head around the fact the Captain said that Saint Michael is older than the name. A being older, even stronger. Made sense why he is in the Islam and Christianity and New age (bliah) and other religions I guess that I wouldn’t know because I never learned them.
Shout out to my guy Saint Michael he is da best.
And people should sell him for at least 500 euro. What 500 euro that NFT is priceless you have to give it and they have to offer you a real life visible genie where you ask for first wish to have back the NFT xD