Apparently yes it is.
yes I know right? with tik tok we have good informations now…on how to dance.
you ordered one burger for 13 or you got other stuff too?
With drink and fries.
It’s not the most expensive burger place around but it’s not mcdonalds either.
Could have ordered the same thing from 5 guys like 25 bucks.
bro for real?
here 1 burger and large fries and coca cola zero large 500ml is 5 euro
happen to know any site to watch micronutrients of foods?
I could do that but again… it would be McDonalds. No thanks. I like their mcgriddles though just saying I don’t hate them. But hungry for a burger? It aint a mcdonalds burger.
yes I was talking for mac donalds
Uhh. Yeah. I knew a really good one but I haven’t checked it in years. I’ll find it.
never tried it bro I loved to watch it in american movies though.
but mac donalds have the best fries for me. They are so fake and tasty at the same time. So salty but never enough salt because I think it’s really thin salt. So caloric but you never get full. So yellow you love to watch them.
They’re made out of some edible plastic or polymer so you can microwave them and they get crispy again as good as new
wow amazing
plastic is the most nutrient dense food you know xD
5 out of 5 frog legs agree
so all my legs agree
I saw now that the nazis tried to make a bomb for gay people
bro camel knew that cigarettes are doing harm long before revealed and they made advertisements promoting them while they had information that smoking is cancerous
They and Pfizer have something in common
why say lies firsthand.
I know it’s profit xD