Well… lol… One of them was just a cheap $12 science project balloon. There’s a pretty big price differential. China could just send a swarm of them over here to break our military budget if we keep stupidly wasting missiles like that lol
it’s true though man
you just say
“ching chong hit the balloon you dork”
and boom the balloon fallen.
I thought you lived in India or Tibet or Nepal
It’s times like this when it becomes painfully obvious that the government and military are indeed filled with genuinely stupid people.
Nope lol
no I haven’t seen for a long time, a decade maybe. But I liked ray mysterio and undertaker a lot from wrestlers
I don’t remember what wwe and raw is nor who is where
but i liked john cena too
It’s a compliment more than anything. But a mistaken assumption based on your words on Taoist practices. Although that’s from China isn’t it? Idk
don’t lie you indian scammer
Traditionally Taoist practices are from China… some can still be found there. Quite a few moved to Taiwan, though. Since there was a purge of religious people when the communists took over.
I’m not from Asia, though lol. I just had unique experiences when I was younger and I somehow got connected to a lineage… I think
Probably as many Indian scammers as there are American furries but they’re the only ones who call us so we get this idea
wow this is rear breed
I remember I saw a furry and I threw it a pokeball but I didn’t catch it
sad life
Cool. I was thinking of this part or wondering about it
But this is what I didn’t know but again was wondering, thinking they must have moved somewhere
I looked into quite a few different groups… Some based in China with remote learning opportunities, some with teachers in America. Quite a few people immigrated to California and Hawaii too lol.
Some of the darker stories involve the Communists rounding up some of the Taoists and putting them in internment camps to starve. Some survived because of the Qi abilities to subsist by fasting. Some did not.
Most temples don’t really have complete teachings because of the purge by the communists. Secrecy has also prevented information from being shared. In recent years, though, there has been more communication and people have been filling in the blanks with information that other groups may have preserved.
that’s interesting history stuff
PM me when you figure out how to teleport. I will be your disciple. Do you want a disciple? I can wash dishes, mow the lawn, file taxes…
All I know is what I experienced in the energy and in meditation. I don’t know if it would be an insult for me to have disciples… I don’t even know if I could teach lol
I just focused on the meditation stuff. You sit. Energy builds up, you figure out how to move it and open channels and things, and then you store it away and learn how to hold onto it when different limits are bumped into.
The end. lol The Great Tao is easy… you just need to meditate a lot lol
–Well, alright—there’s a little more to it than that. But, if you’ve got that down, the rest of it is fairly easy and sequential with how it develops lol
I’ve got nothing to penetrate
And I’ve got nothing to elevate
I can’t seem to concentrate
Cause I’ve got nothing to contemplate
Godhead wrote it ̶m̶y̶s̶e̶l̶f̶. I like Godhead.
I think those lyrics are wrong. Consecrate. But whatever.
If you had to live on a planet with only people or only dogs which would you choose
- Dogs
- People
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