Random thoughts thread

Nope unique as in different from the selling cupcakes for cancer

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They do this?

They cause cancer to help cure cancer

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so you need to raise money right?

so for people to give you money they have to buy something or want to give right?

so you go there and you tell a really unique lie, like “pay me 20 dollars a ticket to see a celebrity” the celebrity never comes of course and you go to jail.

Thats unique


I know where u live man, I know ur IP address I will paste it here man. Trust me man, I will post it man please don’t make me man. I know u live in china

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Yeah, I will go to the primary school steal money, that will teach them life lessons. I will say u paid me for life exp

Do a party for charity


Email rich people and ask them money for charity

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Ye sell alcohol to underage kids then do a whole ass speech about the importance of staying away from alcohol and its detrimental effects on the brain and mind and how you are gonna use the money to help alcoholics


do a charity for charity

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he will play enhanced alcohol processing


Charity where you ask people for positive quotes of the day then they pay you for promoting it

Then use the money and quotes and make it a reality


Charity to help the rich

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and inspector will turn them to negative one

from “live a memorable life”
to “If you are retard you should go to special school”


You go around asking peoples advice on how to help the poor go up and the rich down so they are at the same level

Then ask for money to make it happen

Then make false promises and steal the money

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How abour a charity to change the education system so kids are taught actual useful stuff

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tell me something that is useless bruv

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Didnt say useless you dog

Dont tell me it isn’t obvious how everything that you are taught in school only benefits those that want power and money

Thats all they care about

Tell me it isn’t obvious and ill smack you to awaken the realization in you

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it isnt obvious



Aight show me ur face theophilos

:clap: (rubbing hands together)