Random thoughts thread

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GOAT a Go, GOAT a Come Back LATER!


goat it man

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I have awakened


:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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From my sleep


:-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1:

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does the visualization works that way. I mean I know having visual thoughts about doing stuff the stuff can get physical too. When i was doing martial arts visualization for katas was my bread and butter, not only that but I after some time I could visualise doing moves and I would get better, even be fatigued like a workout of some sort.

But imagining the cord and making it burn will cut the cord? don’t know man


the moves I did was very physical the cords are etheric by nature

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hmmmm I will disagree respectfuly

reason is you can still have faith you are worth of protection even without love.

worthy is being worthy and love is love

worthy of love is an example

I know it can ,thing is how

btw I am not saying your opinion is not good

is infinite times better than mine that I got no idea nor practice of a thing.

problem I get these days is false guidance or false training to stuff.

If you trynna do something wrong and learn the wrong stuff people will say “yeah you did a mistake and you learn from it”. Not that simple in action, you have to unlearn the pattern and learn the new pattern. If I try do the right thing without deconditioning the wrong thing I will have to do the same mistake over and over.

The opposite happen if you on a right course and you do the thing falsely.

Hearing talks of air here talks of air there I aint having so much creativity to start somewhere and visualize nor have the patience to receive a failure.

Get me what I am saying? I will eventually succeed as always.

and also this thread will be global force, join now if you are reading the thread atm

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hmmm sure. What powers tho?

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That’s the only important bottom line.
You will find your way no matter what, I just tried to offer you my perspective :slight_smile:

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useful, thanks

got any experience with those stuff? I mean real life, let’s say you describe a story how things happened by mistake and you had a moment of clarity or things like that. Self love journey that changed your life and gave you some kind of power. Whatever you got as an experience.

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