Random thoughts thread

first you see it
then you release dopamine in anticipation
then it tastes better cause you on dopamine



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should have made it non-anonymous

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I did tick “show who voted”

I don’t know why doesn’t it work


so…i was gonna make a thread “help a stranger” as a help request thread for forum users, where people ask for help, and then others send their servitors etc

and writing it i saw how bad an idea it is (should have seen it before…how am i getting so dumn u.u)

cause by asking help there you are basically giving consent for people to do whatever…it’s gonna be abused…

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because AI and any common algorithm are pacifists ofc

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How is that?

They could still do whatever even if you’re not asking

It’s not like your call for help would set off their deep hidden vile intentions


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but you otherwise didn’t give consent?

im not too sure about all this stuff…but i think if you do ask for help you’re more open, and that includes negative stuff…it is like you say yes to it

also people asking for help will be in a low vibe already…it is like giving the bad guys a listing for the vulnerable users

If one wants to harm you he will do it regardless of your consent

And then I don’t feel like people here care enough to randomly harm strangers that are asking for help

Usually there has to be an underlying reason, at least some simple motive to mistreat someone

I don’t know

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It isn’t people here, the regular users. There are people that have something against Dream, even if out of jealousy.

They want to ruin everything that has to do with him and this forum too.

It wouldn’t be the first time people get attacked here.

Anyways, I still think that is an invitation for trouble.
People already post here asking for help…if anyone wants to help, they can.

I’ve done so a few times. Told them in private…or not. Since they were asking for help so consent given.

I got confirmation recently though, that was nice to hear. Someone told me they saw a room full of angels. Even if I used the Mass Meditation field, that calls for any benevolent being. Might have put angels on watch ^^


I see. Makes sense.

You used mass meditation field with the intention to help someone, and they saw a room full of angels after that?

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Not the person, their family. A friend of my sister at the hospital (a somewhat psychic woman). Once I know I used that field and I guess everything else, asking for help…I was probably a bit specific about her condition. I also asked them to help their family.

Recently talked with my sister and somehow told her I used that field (I was just telling her how I’m sure the fields work) for her friend. So she seemed surprised and then told me her daughter saw the hospital room full of angels at some point.

Isn’t a perfect confirmation but welp…I like to think the field maybe helped a little. Maybe it wasn’t needed cause like I said, that woman was spiritual already.

She passed way though. But not alone.

Actually I think it was meanwhile…like in the same day I used the field, if not simultaneously. But it’s hard to tell when it happened. Not gonna bother the family with questions about this.

Also…I could have used all intercessions I don’t even know xD

I use them daily and most people I know are going through bad times so I don’t even know anymore. Gonna have to loop them for hours soon, just to be able to name them all while listening and asking to help them u.u


It’s so great of you to be willing to help all those people :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s not me though…it is those beings and Dream’s badge mostly.

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No Bicep…
Your father…


What the fuck




He watdefaked so hard the watdefak re-installed itself into reality after he deleted it xD

no joke this is how my phone and laptop works btw xD


ok random nfts ideas for whoever wants them or my future non-broke self:


-Alien (aka Kaiju part):

Alien empathy: Should make any user not freak out once they see an alien or similar occurrences. To be ready for the uncanny valley and to remove any disgust reactions. Cause yknow…we can’t help being creeped out by some things, being humans and all. Same thing for fear. Not fearing them. Accepting them like a kid accepts a new friend. And as if they were among us and we weren’t racist deep down yknow xD

Another effect is to give us a way to either understand them or at least know how those aliens work and how to relate to them. We filter stuff through the humans lens. For example, we are moral beings. Aliens may not. So this should help with establishing a benefitting relationship without them trespassing real limits (as in doing inappropriate things) but also we not getting weirded out by them (like accepting amoral behaviour but not necessarily bad, seen from a moral perspective).

Understanding (ever-growing and increasing) of their science, technology, history, biology, evolution, culture, any energetic or morphic knowledge. Yknow, getting closer to them in as many ways as possible.

The fun part: Maximum alien enhancement. Max alien dna upgrade. Constant. Our pals upgrade themselves to be resistant against something that could affect us, we get the upgrade. Any knowledge, mental upgrade, "spiritual…we should get all those.

AKA become the Kaiju. An alien titan (metaphorically).


Maximum cyborg upgrades. We all know Dream can do a lot with this. He has several devices fields. Tehcnology can be “contained” in fields. Now imagine the best tech available in field form. Dream would judge what best is. Otherwise I want nanobots yknow.

The mecha part…well, we could be cyborgs but tap into the humongous amount of energy needed to power mechas. The fine engineering done on them on our tech…plus the archetype they represent…the massive power aspect (if anyone saw Mazinger Z movie…they made like blackholes and created multiverse disbalances and stuff…massive amount of power).


Cause to be a mecha pilot you need to be the chosen one. Hero archetype elements and npc-nullifying elements.

To be expanded.

I gotta sleep. This was on my mind for a while and it is slipping out and the enthusiasm dead so…I may try to get it written down even if only for future reference.

“A life of defiant exuberant radiance”

title to be expanded with more buzzwords thankyouverymuch

so this field gives you all the experiences your higher self would want you to live…in accelerated, improved, optimized, more efficient ways (maybe that worked with the ego)

id just be like…do whatever you must with minimum suffering and maximum happinness possible

idea shamelessly stolen from a Dr Manhattan field that gave you all possible experiences in existence at a subconscious level (forgot the name).

Post to be deleted and later updated. My apologies xD

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