Random thoughts thread

Random thoughts:

Pick your favorite colour

Pick your favorite Historical Kingdom/Empire/Nation/etc.

Pick your favorite Fictional Realm

Mines would be Red (although I like blue, yellow, green just as much, but maybe red just a little bit more), Roman Empire and Westeros or Essos from a Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire.

I deleted it by mistake.
Also, my modern favorite place/Nation would be somewhere in Europe, USA or Canada, among other good locations.

I went to the food emojis to look for it and then I realized what you meant
Come to think of it why is there no ginger emoji
Why does apple hate ginger


I don’t do much history but genghis khans dynasty seems interesting

Fictional realm, I have no idea

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Does anyone here watch attack on titan

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I plan to watch it someday.
I know its Insanely Good.

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Try to watch all of it before august, I think that’s when the last episode comes out. It’s absolutely mind blowing easily one of my favorites

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I think I will, especially since its ending (i did not know).

Also, Bleach, have not watched the new one and i forgot much of what i already watched years ago, so i’ll rewatch it.

Any other recommendation(s)?

Anyway - gotta go.

Have a nice day, Everyone.

Time to wake up to another bright day in your wonderful life boi

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I were more subtly but just as spiteful in a dream tonight…when insulting some fellas ^^

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Romans 12:19

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay”,says the Lord.

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Praise be to God :pray:


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Proverbs 14:23

All hard work brings a profit,
but mere talk leads only to poverty.

Proverbs 12:24

Diligent hands will rule,
but laziness ends in forced labor.

Do the work now ladies and gentleman. Build a better world.

Thank you for your contribution.

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and then no criminal goes to prison, ever
everyone can mess with others because noone will stop them because revange is bad, right?
If someone hurts you and you hurt them back, they might learn and stop hurting others.
If someone hurts you and you do nothing, they will continue hurting others until someone hurts them back.
sorry but this is like telling people to be helpless

Justice is different thing

ok then I might adopt that mindset
then they might learn
then I might feel good
then I might be something and might live my life in a wholesome might

??? it says that exactly a God that created the universe has your back…am I missing something?

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If god will repay then you don’t have to do anything, right?dont worry about this asshole who killed your dog, lord will repay him

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Just got a haircut

Im unstoppable now :pray::pray:

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