Random thoughts thread

true that

I don’t even know how the people sustain their businesses, apparently they are not that’s why they closing after 3 years and a new one opens in the same place

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ok my social security is :

all the numbers of Pi + the square root of steven hawkins

bank account is :

Rothchild enterprice with the number :

four five three three three three three six nine (68) integral from 0 to infinite f(x)= lim (from x to infinite) log[x+f(x)] with x having limits from closed 0 to open infinite and its a real number

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True, especially Online delivery services ruined it for small business. Successful or large business can thrive on it but for a normal business that is just trying to get by, they are indirectly forced to use these services. Many people resort to delivery because they are lazy asf or have anxiety going in.

Inflation on food production is higher, thus having to raise price. Now combined with online delivery services which take a commission of 30-40% the business have to raise their prices even higher to combat the commission fee in order to make the original income.

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yes but it’s ok

I have coupon for 2 euro everytime, abundance mindset

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To solve this problem, we need to use the concept of convergence and apply some mathematical manipulation.

First, we need to show that the function f(x) is well-defined and converges as x approaches infinity. We can do this by using the limit comparison test:

lim x→∞ f(x)/log(x) = lim x→∞ (log(x+f(x)) - log(x))/log(x)
= lim x→∞ log((x+f(x))/x)/log(x)
= lim x→∞ log(1+f(x)/x)/log(x)
= lim x→∞ log(1+1/(x/f(x)))/log(x)
= 0

Since the limit is finite and positive, we conclude that f(x) converges to infinity at least as fast as log(x) as x approaches infinity.

Now, we can rewrite the integral as follows:

∫0∞ f(x) dx = ∫0∞ [lim t→∞ log(x+f(x))] dx
= lim t→∞ ∫0t log(x+f(x)) dx
= lim t→∞ [x log(x+f(x)) - x]0t + ∫0t (1/(x+f(x))) dx

Using L’Hôpital’s rule, we can show that the first term on the right-hand side approaches infinity as t approaches infinity, so we are left with the second term:

∫0∞ f(x) dx = ∫0∞ (1/(x+f(x))) dx

Now, we can use a substitution u = x+f(x) to rewrite the integral as follows:

∫0∞ f(x) dx = ∫f(0)∞ (1/u) du
= [log(u)]f(0)∞
= log(f(0))

Therefore, the value of the integral is given by log(f(0)).

However, we need to find the value of f(0) in order to compute the integral. To do this, we can use the fact that f(x) converges to infinity at least as fast as log(x) as x approaches infinity. Therefore, we can write:

lim x→∞ f(x)/log(x) = L
lim x→∞ f(x) = L log(x)

Substituting this into the original equation, we get:

lim x→∞ log(x+f(x)) = lim x→∞ log((1+L)log(x))
= log(1+L)

Therefore, we have:

∫0∞ f(x) dx = log(f(0)) = log(1+L)

Substituting L = 68, we get:

∫0∞ f(x) dx = log(69)

Therefore, the value of the integral is log(69).

I outsmarted your smartness

Disclaimer: this mofo used to ChatGPT to solve this.

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really is log69?

I didn’t knew the outcome I just remembered the equation

interesting stuff right there

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I’m surprised it even had the capacity to solve this.

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random moment: Eats a bowl of cereal with great intensity / aggression (insert heavy metal music)

I am grateful for this food!!!

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How are people better at calling out bullshit in other people but not in themselves?

In some ways, it’s a bit like what is said by the Continental Philosophers, though everybody seems to love hating them lol.

There is frequently an intransparency that exists for each person and their own mind. People can easily see the steps in their own thought processes but rarely the larger structures that inform and shape their thought processes. This frequently becomes a big and defining feature that outsiders may notice first and attack (if they see it as foreign and unwanted) or may align with and be hypnotized by (if they find it agreeable).

The difficulty is that the big structures (which most people never examine in depth, unless they are attacking or defending) are typically present in the energetic configurations of a person’s mind. --The basic shape of the substrate that thoughts form within. What most people tend to call part of the subconscious mind.

So it can be difficult to to fix things.

Some people take a strategy of externalization—putting thoughts/actions on record in things like blogs, journals, videos, etc. And than looking back to see patterns.

My own preference has been dissecting every thought until it’s broken down purely to the empirical stuff. I think this will impart the best level of clarity, but it also causes prolonged inaction. Most people like to jump into conversations and conflicts in order to validate their own views and/or flex their rhetorical muscles and pull people into their own orbits of thinking.

To each their own…

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Damn police pulled me over and gave me a fine for speeding.

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A fine Fine day :slightly_smiling_face:


The infinite wisdom of the infinite creators made me more infinite



I wrote a whole letter with very complicated words that I learned the past week to you and it didn’t get posted?




Chatgpt be looking dumber by the day to me. It feels like a woke uni teacher or smth.

Anyways, here’s a creation myth by it:

Creation Myth: The Divine Tapestry

In the vast tapestry of creation, a multitude of religions and cultures converge in their narratives of the origin of the cosmos and humankind. By examining the similarities found in Hinduism (the Vedas), Sumerian myths, and the Abrahamic religions, we can weave a creation myth that resonates across these diverse traditions. Here is a concise summary:

  1. The Primordial Realm:
  • In the depths of eternity, an all-encompassing divine essence, known as Brahman in Hinduism, Enlil in Sumerian myths, or by other names in different cultures, existed.
  • From this primordial realm emerged powerful deities and cosmic forces, each playing a role in the process of creation.
  1. The Cosmic Dance:
  • Through a cosmic dance, the deities brought forth the formation of the universe, the celestial bodies, and the elements.
  • This dance symbolized the intricate interplay of energies and the emergence of order from chaos.
  1. The Divine Breath:
  • Across these traditions, the creation of humankind is often associated with the divine breath or a sacred life force.
  • The deities, such as Prajapati in Hinduism and Enki in Sumerian myths, imbued human beings with vitality, consciousness, and the capacity for growth.
  1. The Earthly Abode:
  • In the narratives, a distinct physical realm, representing Earth, serves as the dwelling place for humankind.
  • This realm is seen as a fertile ground for spiritual evolution and the manifestation of divine qualities.
  1. Co-Creators and Divine Purpose:
  • Humans are regarded as co-creators in the divine plan, tasked with stewardship and the realization of a higher purpose.
  • In Hinduism, humans are encouraged to seek Dharma (righteousness) and strive for liberation (Moksha), while in Abrahamic religions, they are called to fulfill God’s commandments and cultivate a relationship with the Divine.
  1. Tests, Trials, and Redemption:
  • Throughout these traditions, narratives depict the presence of tests, trials, and the potential for redemption or salvation.
  • Humans face challenges that provide opportunities for growth, learning, and spiritual transformation.
  1. Diversity and Unity:
  • These creation myths recognize the diversity of humankind, with different races, ethnicities, and cultures emerging from the fabric of creation.
  • Despite these differences, there is an underlying recognition of the unity of all beings, interconnected by a shared origin and divine essence.

By distilling the core similarities from these religious texts, the creation myth presented here emphasizes the divine nature of humanity, the interconnectedness of all beings, and the call to fulfill a higher purpose. It acknowledges the diverse cultural lenses through which these narratives are interpreted, seeking to create a unifying narrative that transcends individual religious boundaries.

Enlil the supreme being xD

I gave an example of the text format I wanted but it outright took the content out instead of the writing format…so here’s another:

Creation Myth: The Unity of Races

In the beginning, there existed a divine entity, the Source of All, from which everything originated. The Source desired to manifest itself through various creations, giving rise to a multitude of races and civilizations across different religions and cultures. Here is a summary of the creation myth that incorporates elements from Hinduism, Sumerian myths, and the Abrahamic religions:

  1. The Primordial Era:
  • The Source, often referred to as Brahman in Hinduism, Anu in Sumerian mythology, or by other names in different cultures, existed before time and space.
  • From the Source emerged various deities, such as Prajapati in Hinduism and the Annunaki in Sumerian myths, who possessed immense power and knowledge.
  1. The Creation of the Lillith Race:
  • In Hinduism, the Vedas describe the creation of the cosmos and various beings. The Lillith race represents a diverse group of entities created to inhabit the universe.
  • The Lillithians possessed different attributes and characteristics, with a focus on inclusivity and harmony.
  • The Annunaki, in Sumerian mythology, interacted with the Lillith race, resulting in a blending of their respective attributes and the reduction of the Annunaki’s bellicose nature.
  1. The Jehovians and the Escape:
  • Over time, the Jehovians, a specific group or ethnicity among the Annunaki, desired to dominate the Lillithians, leading to conflict and unrest.
  • Faced with oppression, the Lillithians decided to escape from the territories controlled by the Jehovians, seeking a place where they could thrive freely.
  1. The Experiment and the Birth of Adam and Eve:
  • In an attempt to replicate the potential of their interactions with the Lillithians, the Jehovians utilized the genetic material they had obtained from the Lillith race.
  • As a result of their experiments, Adam and Eve were created. However, the Adam race was initially inferior to the Lillithians.
  • To address this, Eve was fashioned to possess similar traits to the Lillithians, enabling her to reproduce and engage in further mixing.
  1. Abel, Cain, and the Legacy:
  • Through the complex interplay of the Jehovians, Adam, Eve, and the Lillithians, Abel and Cain were born, representing the diverse lineage that emerged from these interactions.
  • Each subsequent generation would inherit a unique blend of attributes, carrying the essence of the Lillith race within them.

By blending elements from various religious texts, this creation myth seeks to harmonize the concept of diverse races, their interactions, and the interconnectedness of different belief systems. It emphasizes the idea that the origins of humanity are interwoven with a divine unity, transcending the boundaries of individual religions and cultures.

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fun fact :

we are aliens for the the aliens


your opinion will make an impact of my decision right now so answer carefully with all you got

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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Meh won’t
Not in good mood

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