Random thoughts thread

Vatican is too old…if it was CIA or smth…

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I don’t know the significance of them but they seem powerful as totems.

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Theres like a million coyotes outside my house

Lets trade :heart_eyes:

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For some reason, it reminds me a little bit of my kitty who died young… he was always a bit like a dog lol.

And there was a weird situation around a decade ago in a harsh winter… where a coyote was out in the open in broad daylight. He looked to be in rough shape. I wish I could have helped, but sadly it wasn’t to be.

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Well the Trailer feels very oneee


Rick’s voice…


I’ll still watch tho 🥷

Is it different? Lol

Imaginarium Divine never stops to amaze me, in today sessions the voices were so vibrant I’ve felt being in a Bazaar with all the merchants negotiating their goods.

Cool cool experience, my favourite field to zone out and let the flow carry me, every time is different


Yea a little bit

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Schizophrenia fr


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Random musings…

Despite my best wishes, shields only stop so much.

In the past I was frequently confused by other people’s anger because I have my own history of angry thoughts that can resonate with that frequency (showing up like a small-scale storm when the energy is there)

But, I’ve been getting roasted enough lately, the energy appears to have burnt through my own thought remnants lol

I’m sometimes tempted to burn people with their own fire. But, instead, I just sit with the pain and find a way to make the best of things.


Oh… coool… is this new?



Ocean has miles It shimmers and it glows
For some people

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I knew my loneliness would come back, lol

I was genuinely happy being on my own before :weary:. Maybe it was that one person I had the opportunity to be with

But now since I have no friends and haven’t gone out for months… feel very alone

Im an extrovert for sure

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Definitely sounds like you’re leaning more towards the ENFJ than the INFJ :+1:

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This is an exposè

Yeah… I took it again today and it gave me INFJ

But I resonate more with ENFJ :sob:

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