Random thoughts thread

I recieved the Holy communion :orthodox_cross: :dove: :sunglasses:

I am ready for the miracles

buckle up because someone will buy altogether the bundle really fast :sunglasses:

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Saint theophilosas


Im saint bored


oh yes the miracle worker saint bored of the God


ok now I have to think how to market stuff because yesterday I slept on it.

@Bored write a message so I can send another one

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Are you taking the emotions of other inside your heart?
Are you strugling to keep your touch with yourself?
Somehow you feel out of nowhere emotions when in public transportations,or inbetween a lot of people?
Did you identify as an empath for such a long time that your dellusions of feeling others feelings became a reality?

I have the solution for you(you-you-you)

Empathic smart armor ladies and gentleman,

With your new invisible (but also invincible) armor your peace of mind and heart will come back.
Full spectrum armoring
24 hour surviliance from people that want to trigger you
100% impenetrable

Order now by sending a message to Saint Theophilos (legal and regal owner of this
very special made by mr. Dreamweaver NFT)
(100% no money back guarantee)


wow take my money (i have $0 in my bank account)


Ok so I am back

My messages be like

I be like

My NFTs that I will not use but rot in my wallet be like

Random thoughts thread be like


Goggins be like

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Pato pato

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it’s me…again

and nobody bought again…

Saint Michael looks for a home to come, don’t make me cry and beg.
He is a good guy and a sweetie.
He likes to torture demons only.
Also has equal power of that of the sun and if he appear will blind you.
Furthermore he can destroy all earth with one slash of his sword.


he will protect you,he is a saint like me :sunglasses:
the best warrior God created,the epitome of strength :skull_and_crossbones: :crossed_swords: :shield:

look at him, so sweet :

He is waiting for you to accept him only and he is with me right now, he says “do not be afraid”. How can you be afraid of such a good guy? Makes my heart blackened when someone is afraid of him :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Please accept him to your home, he is the sweetest guy of all :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

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Why are you letting him go then?

I don’t use anything anymore

Why not?

I haven’t slept for too long and it’s already too late to sleep

So I ordered some Indian buffet on uber eats cause they were open (and vegetarian too!)

But the thing is that they’re called 29 sweets and don’t have a buffet menu available (they said it’s on their Facebook but apparently it’s different each day) so I have no idea what I’m going to get

Update: they cancelled my order and when I tried to open the app to see why, it wouldn’t load
And it disappeared from my order history as well

Update 2: they’re not taking orders anymore

Update 3: I am cold, hungry and exhausted and I want peanut butter ice cream

I am this close :pinching_hand: to ordering McDonald’s
But I know I won’t and then all i can eat there is fries and salad from a burger

There’s a noise outside, sounds like a gigantic robot snoring. Fuck it’s not a good day for random loud noises early in the morning

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Truthfully the truth is truth

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Happen to like dragons?
More so feel like one at times?
Fan of mythology and dragonic stuff maybe?

I have the best suit for you to wear. A literal dragon armor made by energetic bones of a dragon and diamonds so you can feel as you should,regal and dominant at any time.

The armor is impenetrable, nullifying any and all negativity like they are not even existing.

The energies of others not only don’t reach you but they are not even bothering you anymore.

The respectable presence of the dragon and the diamonds will make the ladies want indulge in your presence ( ladies love diamonds )

Get your deserved rights to be protected and well respected plus become safe 24/7 with your newly acquired dragon powers. Send a message to buy at Saint Theophilos for only 150 euro.

The product is hotter than the dragon’s breath. Can you handle it?