Random thoughts thread

Where is Theo? Theophilus.

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I would say the accurate word is exist. Dragon’s “lives” are very different from ours. It is more of an existence than anything.

They used to come here often, but something happened (which I have not been yet able to fully decipher), which led them to either retreat or be cast off into a world of gray crags, arch trees and endless fog.

I do recommend a basic understanding of elemental magick if you do decide to explore their world because they wield extremely potent elemental magick and like to test your mettle to see if you’re even worth investing any time or effort into.

But aside from a taunt, a spook, or a scare, not much will happen, unless you go where the Chaos Dragons are… these can curse your astral body and/or drive you insane … if you’re not careful.


Only once in my life (I saw a dragon, in my mind), while focusing on the Ajna Chakra, and doing Mantras, visualizing color indigo (with my eyes closed), I suddenly saw the image of a Black Dragon, pitch black and it was Colossal…
It was a terrifying experience, i think I had a small panic attack.

So, I’m not that tempted to get that close to dragons… For now.

Yes … it is possible … but I don’t know … I would definitely work on recognizing the difference between what your mind is creating as a metaphor and what an actual entity is like.

Dragon are a symbol for power and wisdom… it could be your subconscious saying that your desire to awaken your third eye/true sight will expose you to a realm that can swallow you whole.


It’s the same with telepathy … a lot of telepathy actually is received as bizzare imaginings or metaphors in your mind’s eye … direct language based telepathy requires both individuals to be very in sync with 1: one another - 2: their individual subconscious mind.

Expanded awareness will allow you to notice these and nudge you to say “wait a minute, this could mean something”, instead of just dismissing it as your mind being random.

I think these conscious metaphors are far more important than dreams. If anything, dreaming is a separative state. I rarely pay it much interest aside from when I feel extremely compelled to take note of it upon waking up.


Certain absurd or vulgare thoughts that pass through my mind, I don’t pay attention (anymore), but sometimes, I just have these intuitive thoughts, like sudden ideas popping in my head and actually they are not just random :grinning:, but it does not happen often.

Also, too many synchronicities and deja vu. Might make me become too ungrounded (and lost in my own mind/world), so I try to have a balanced mind and Energy.

With time and practice, also with better schedule, better sleep , with Grounding and with daily fields targeting my whole energy body and subtle structures, I will reach for my next spiritual levels (so to speak).

Most probably this was it.

Also, I’m not coherent, in almost anything…

For me, I need to reach for less chaos and more order, a better structured life.

I’m TOO carefree (usually) and I lack responsibility lol…

I never grew up… Lol.

Gotta go.

Have a Nice Day. :pray:

Turn your attention to your Earth Soul and Soul Star Chakras often… feel something like a firm steady pole connecting the two … it will eventually balance itself out pretty quickly.


Nice finding in my gameshelf


Random thoughts yall





Hmm, etymologically

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Today I had an interesting insight…quite a cold water bucket at that.

Is it cause some astro thing again? Or the effects of something I’ve done still playing out?

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Love them


Is there a way to see what are the fields that are premium suscription on patreon?

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Thanks to @Bultar :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you


After Looping butt large field 24/7

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Countryside is nice