Random thoughts thread

Unlimited money glitch

Just like cm punk :O

Can be, if thatā€™s the only major thing that has changed.
Can also be a symptom of certain fields (e.g., fields that might bring things up to the surface, energizing fields if used in excess, etc.)

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An astrologically significant period or something along those lines?

Easily, you can always ground more :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, Iā€™m fine now after playing automated grounding 4x.

I also started using trauma release by Sapien and Invoke self love by SZ this past week. Maybe that contributed too to anxiety? Idk

Iā€™m not sure about that particular field from SZ, but I usually need to ground after his fields.
Trauma Releaseā€¦ thatā€™s another one that might need grounding once trauma starts to rise to the surface.

If you wake up one day/night that ā€˜the risingā€™ happens, use grounding afterwards (unless a better idea).

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Have you tried Internal Alchemical Crucible?



Yeah, aside from that, I think itā€™s a wake up call to slow things down with the amounts of energy fields lol. Iā€™m using a lot of SZ 's fields and the more I meditate/actively engaged on them, the faster I burned out.

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In regards to ā€˜mindā€™,

So Ego is an API?
It is the Ego that is getting programmed ā€” through the Ego?
So Ego is (one of) (the) Artificial Intelligence?
(arguably, API and ML/AI / algorithm are not the same in Tech)

Was wondering if I could use this instead of aura clearing, to actually put negative energy to good use?

I mean Ive been using only aura clearing for months (nearly ā€œonlyā€) so I was wondering if instead of using aura clear and then crucible after some other fields, if to just start with crucible or those said fields and finish with crucible and then good vibes one like the bliss illuminator.

Maybe Iā€™ve been clearing negative energies too muchā€¦and I should transmute and get resilient moreā€¦

Sorry @ecaiii cause you will get a notif for this and Iā€™m just thinking out loud xD

But if anyone wants to comment on the using crucible instead of aura clear or keep using aura clear, be welcome.


Feels like ego is API and yes it programs itselfā€¦has itā€™s own pre-programming or language though.

ML feels more like what the higher self is doing.

As for our conscious self, I dont really know how to use the analogy.

Subconscious also looks a lot like it can do ML and if we bring consciousness to it, even more so (or use its knowledge in the way we want). Otherwise it seems to follow a shty algorithm.

It seems that the purpose of everything is always for us to bring awareness/consciousness to it. Or else the basic programs are too dumb. We need to consciously use them.

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ML is just a subset of AI really. Thereā€™s much more to AI algorithms.

Ego is an overlay of sorts. Thereā€™s a ā€œfabricā€, ā€œEgosā€ are outward layers for ā€œbeingsā€ on the fabric.

It can feel that oneā€™s moves toward their ā€œgoalā€, say ā€œascensionā€ by means of stochastic gradient descent, constantly walking Dragon Paths.

But mind isnā€™t necessarily similar to the generative models that are so hyped nowadays. Actually ā€œMLā€ (what is implied by this word today I mean) isnā€™t efficient in how fast it ā€œlearnsā€, the models are just giant and are trained A LOT.


Crucible good
I think aura clearing is clearing aura like outer
And crucible clears inner, like good after love/trauma/vibration fields


Thank you.

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I actually was going to use fear release, but other fields too. Hence why back to crucible, that I havenā€™t used in a while.

Itā€™s the same doubt with resilience. Listen to it after Iā€™ve cleared everything? Or better before, so the resilience has a chance to strengthen?

I think order would be: trauma release (or any field that triggers anything) - alchemical crucible - resilience.

Logic here is that field will work as intended and I have plenty of problems to get resilient against xD So I can clear as much as I want before using resilience.

I donā€™t know if anyone has shared this as a result, or it only suggested this to me. But I just remembered I thought there was a field that could help with sensory hypersensibility (dunno the name in english). It is often confused with autism and other things.

And was wondering if anyone knew what field it could be, that I thought could help with that.

Not for repair (any nervous system one should do), but not to get overwhelmed in saturated environments.

Any ideas?

If it were me :slightly_smiling_face:
I like to go about clearing first to get them out of the way

Other options that I use to kick those that surface:
Bushman Medicine
Clear Negativity


Nerve inflammation help?

Also blood brain barrier helps.

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Thatā€™s what Iā€™d do, at least for starters.
For me, usually those releases donā€™t happen immediately, but I might wake up in the middle of the night facing it. Iā€™d say if that happens you might feel the need to balance out sooner rather than later. And yes, Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™ve already got enough to be resilient with, no need to push yourself too much.
I mean, if trauma was buried and you need to surface it to flush it, you were probably already trying to be ā€˜resilientā€™ about the situation. But Iā€™m still figuring out myself.


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