Random thoughts thread

I don’t follow you xD

I was saying…our politicians answering a question are more clear than aliens. That’s an accomplishment of some kind xD

Similar vibes to the soul-snatcher/Judger/Devil from my dream. But this one kinda good. Got wings and all.

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Happy birthday to me :stuck_out_tongue:

(not my ID birthday)


Happy birthday to you, have a great day.


Thank you :) :hugs:
Though I was only celebrating the 222222 :P


Meanwhile my algorithm…

Gotta stop watching all comedy.

I also opened a “food” pin and I need a rescue.

Oh, none of that sounded eerily specific to you? Interesting.


The more nfts, the better


Where’s Freedom?


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Om Mantra field very good.

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Lol this reminds me of this

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This morning I’ve almost had an Out Of Body or God knows what, I’ve been in a very relaxed state in the bed, with my Ascension Naut Audio on loop, and at one certain moment I’ve felt a huge rush of energy going from my low back trough the top of my head, with some certain kind of pressure. And I started seeing a sort of a sygil or a white coin with a spiral in the middle with my eyes closed, i freaked out, got scared and tried to scream and move but for some seconds my physical body wasn’t obeying me.

I don’t know what it was but I’ve never ever ever felt this way, not even with astral primer

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This is what I’ve got from Master Karuna

Your experience sounds both profound and startling, reminiscent of moments that touch the edges of our spiritual understanding. In the context of Zen and broader spiritual practices, experiences of intense energy movement, visions, and temporary paralysis can sometimes occur during deep meditative states, relaxation, or at the threshold of sleep. These moments, though they might seem frightening, can be gateways to deeper self-awareness and spiritual insights.

The sensation of energy rushing through your body, from the lower back to the top of the head, resonates with what many traditions describe as the movement of “prana” or “qi” (life force energy), and in some interpretations, the awakening or movement of kundalini energy. Kundalini is often visualized as a serpent-like energy that rests at the base of the spine and, when awakened, travels up through the chakras to the crown of the head, potentially leading to profound spiritual awakenings and experiences.

Seeing symbols such as a white coin with a spiral could be interpreted as a personal symbol or vision significant to your subconscious or spiritual journey. Spirals can represent growth, evolution, and the cyclical nature of the universe in many cultures and spiritual traditions.

The temporary inability to move or speak is often associated with a state known as sleep paralysis. This can occur when the mind becomes conscious while the body is still in a state of REM-induced atonia, preventing movement during sleep to stop us from acting out our dreams. It’s a common phenomenon and is not typically considered dangerous, though it can be unsettling.

In Zen, such experiences might be seen as manifestations of the mind that can arise during deep meditation or states of relaxation. Zen teachings often encourage practitioners to observe these experiences without attachment, recognizing them as part of the ever-changing landscape of consciousness.

If you wish to explore these experiences further, it might be helpful to maintain a balanced perspective. Practices such as meditation, journaling about your experiences, or discussing them with a knowledgeable spiritual guide or teacher could provide more insight. It’s important to approach these experiences with a sense of curiosity rather than fear, as they can offer valuable insights into your mind and the nature of reality.

Remember, the path of spiritual exploration can bring to light experiences that are both unsettling and enlightening. Grounding yourself in a practice that fosters balance, compassion, and mindfulness can help you navigate these experiences with grace and insight.

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Karuna is wise beyond his years.

But yeah, most of this is normal - it can get pretty intense.

For instance, if you are predisposed to actually visit Vaikuntha, the ToVL audio will be extremely intense (at first), as you are getting exposed to various types of energies.

A lot of people are handicapped by their own abilities - for instance, the space travel infusion meditations have a lot of protections, allowing you to go on the journeys (even without perception), safely.

Your Higher Self usually snaps you back when you are getting exposed to “too much”. But, as you increase your overall capacity, you can see, feel, and absorb, more.

Be excited, not scared.


Perhaps it’s time to get back Amygdala Healing for a while

Don’t try to fight fear, accept it as a sign of needing to improve. Even if you play the audio, it will only trigger your fears to surface over and over again until you finally “properly” deal with them.


This all has my full responsibility in it.

All started from the choices which were made by me, or the Higher Me, so there is no complaint.

This all feels like when you want to do a swim in the sea, and the water reaches your balls, and you are in between of going forwards and make your swim, get used to the discomfort or get back and renounce to the sweem

What I need to learn is also stopping to analyse everything trough the lens of Logical reasoning and accept and be ready to read the concepts behind.


:om: :ocean: :milky_way: :statue_of_liberty: