Random thoughts thread

You can buy it on Itunes/Apple music
Hmm maybe somewhere else(to download)

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Naah it was the songs


Either way, get Vibration of Creation or just chant it yourself - lazy punk. @zea

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Universal OM? Itā€™s not free though. Singularity is another one.


Iā€™ve restarted doing this.

(back to the basics)
I was curious as to what ā€˜the more knowledgeableā€™ think of AUM. That being said, it makes sense to me, Iā€™m learning to feel my voice and the reverberations, techniqueā€¦ I used to do many repetitions of complete AUM and they had impact


Also, wow, thank you so much guys! + @noname @igem


Listen ā€¦ if you think VoC isnā€™t worth the 115$, you trippinā€™ ā€¦

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One of the most essential aspects of spiritual growth is raising your vibration. Through consistent meditation, clearing and growing the chakras and other such practices, your vibration may naturally begin to rise. But what keeps it from rising is all the negative baggage we carry that keeps our energy dense rather than light and free. What this audio does is get rid of all of this dense clutter that your body carries while at the same time raising your vibration on an unprecedented level.

This audio vibrates all your cells, even down to the mitochondria, with the vibration of creation. The source sound of the universe. The ā€˜Om.ā€™ Vibrating every part of your body with this energy literally shakes up all the energetic clutter built up in your body (organs, chakras and entire energy system) and clears it away. By clearing all this energetic clutter and raising your vibration at the same time, you will begin going back to the essence of who you are.

The audios works on your consciousness in a larger level as even the parts of you that extend higher into different dimensions as well is effected. It provides a higher vibrational energy for the chakras to grow and evolve. Itā€™s one of our most powerful spiritual audios thus far and is a gem for anyone on the spiritual path. I would most recommend this to people who have already had prior energy work on their bodies as this audio is rather advanced.


I just got Acu-Automaton todayā€¦
I am 100% sure that everything here is worth way more.
But next to everything else Iā€™m still working on :money_with_wings:

Iā€™ve actually had it on a list for a long time :thinking:

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So Om Namah Shivaya and others are notā€¦ ā€˜good enoughā€™ just because they have Omā€¦? :sweat_smile:
Maitreyaā€™s also got a mandala but it felt too intense on my energy system.

Fair is fair, the sooner you get VoC the better. I havenā€™t gotten it yet myself, but the whole Vibration-focused series has been in my eyesight for a while.

These are a must must must - insofar as my higher dimensional Machiavellian friend tells me.


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I appreciate it. Iā€™ll put it on priority.


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OM links you to a different dimension - it is more about an energy in of itself rather than a being or thought-vortex that utilizes it.

It ties directly to YOUR consciousness (not that at some other level, the others donā€™t also), but, OM is the easiest and most direct way for ā€œYouā€ to ā€œelevateā€ yourself.


At some level, this is a freely accessible layer of AUM

It is not the ultimate expression of it, but one that is codified for our particular universeā€¦ Itā€™s nonetheless a good starting point for further work.

Iā€™d say meditate on it for 20 minutes (loop).

Iā€™ve seen you ask PI about ā€œpassiveā€ listening ā€¦ I understand where it comes from, but you have to be aware at some level that if you donā€™t find the thing youā€™re trying to achieve worth focusing on for 10-20 minutes a day, then, you really donā€™t want to achieve it yourself, but are seeking to acquire it to validate some layer of your ego.

The things you genuinely want to achieve, You as the soul, tend to consume all your attention with ease.

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OM mantra the field
It feels very nice

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Drunk too much espresso today. Instead of making me alert, made me dizzy.

Lesson learnt :slightly_smiling_face:

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Excess caffeine always numbs my psychic senses.


There is also this one a nft version, updated.

I thought Iā€™d add it here to the convo