Random thoughts thread



“I’m not working for you” lol

He lost his composure a little, this situation could be handled better. but hey at least he didn’t say some nosense phrase out of context this time :grin:

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My fucking deltoids hurt everytime I raise my arm.

Wait until you watch the show.

random tthoughst

why do i feel like most of my thoughts are consciously thought out?

im driven more by emotions than thoughts


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random feeling: gotta use the restroom

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I thought the new release is for removing the face fat from face and neck (which I have a lot, yay genetics) đŸ„č. Turns out it’s the opposite. I barely have face/jaw definition on the lower area even if I have low body fat %. Tbh, if it wasn’t for self-love audios I would be miserable because these insecurities used to eat me inside-out. My face looked like a hamster full of food on its cheeks sometimes.

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hate this test xD

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what do you mean?

Apparently I have massive ADHD
 I never knew it until I took that test

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It has some design flaws.

It’s easier to focus on not moving the eyes than on the dot or whatever.

Not gonna answer your ray of sunshine cause it got me clutching my purse u.u

This whole planet and realm
seems like
hell? a prison? It seems more and more useless for me for basically any purpose.

But don’t aliens use hella advanced tech? I don’t think everything has to be necessarily entropic. I guess not our kind of technology.

I once saw a “meme pic” of the different techno-futures, by a crazy ass trolling meme sect
and they got that sht so right. Won’t find it again but yeah
the network spirituality is coming. Many want it to come faster. I guess they think the virtual worlds will be a haven. Their cognitive dissonance is something to behold too, which I can’t ever explain to myself. So perfectly calibrated to society’s pendulum, and yet “playing innocent”.

Cue Lain’s “I found God in the internet”.

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lol sorry, it’s my critical view of modern technology and culture.

That had me wondering. I never paid much attention to the talk of aliens until the past few years. It never really meant anything to me.

But when I’ve heard the recent discussions of alien technology, they don’t sound much different from energy abilities. Some recent UFO people have spoken about some technology operating through teleepathic means, etc. And other people described spaceships in terms that don’t sound different from having a coherent energy body that can separate from dense physical matter.

So I don’t know about aliens. Much of what I hear has sounded like technological jargon made to describe organic energy structures.

But it is possible for technology to be developed in harmonious ways. Our way of developing things, however, has been founded on a bunch of destructive ideas. That the rest of the world is insensate and exists only for us to reshape; that human good and technological good are intertwined; that things can continue to increase exponentially forever — all, generally, wrong.
And the existing corporate structure is a carryover from the WWII corporate structure. So even if the world-wars have been scaled back, our industrial use (and misuse) of resources has been on full blast.

–Things didn’t need to develop as they have. If Tesla or Weber or Priore’s sense of electromagnetism has been developed rather than suppresed, we might have had a completely different view of things. Even functional cancer treatments have been suppresed becauae they would cut into the pharmaceutical market monopoly.

So much has come into existence from greed, misappropriated power, censorship, and twisted idealism. So much didn’t need to happen at all.

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Use Mewing Audio to define your jaw line and do cardio regularly, eventually you will have the results you want. :)


only 2 yellow dots disappeared while watching lol that shit just stresses my eyesight đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


We have examples of things getting far closer to implementation and not living up to their promise like lasers for “everything” (during Cold War US and Soviets literally wasted hardly imaginable amounts of money on clearly unrealistic projects), nuclear power (Chernobyl was expected to be city of the future, model for next cities in all USSR), space exploration being incredibly costly for any of its merits, quantum computing predicted as “true” to the nature computation model long time ago, yet so complex to make anything tangible for decades.

It’s very hard to push through even ideas with great promise and growing number of supporters among scientists and still their actual value might be obscure for a long time. Today plenty of mind blowing research might be going all around the world, yet most people and here too, don’t know anything about it, maybe will hear in next twenty or so years.


The problem with this article and those scientists who did this experiment is that they are using physical matter in order to measure physical time. This of course creates friction and thus entropy. One doesn’t need to be a genius to figure this out.

If they would be measuring time by utilizing their consciousness or their subconsicous mind or even a morphic field time counter instead, they wouldn’t create any entropy.

This article is just another example of how materialist scientists have no clue about the most basic things and how they are stuck in their materialist ideologies and thus cannot see the major part of reality.


A few years ago I had a small chat with a woman I briefly met who was indirectly researching something with energy & geometry. She had views critical of electric vehicles as they currently function. I don’t remember well, but maybe something like they weren’t designed with energetic harmony or did not support energetic patterns of life. Areas I’m not really familiar with as applied to modern technology.

Thought in response, along with curiosity of any emerging, promising, modern technologies that come to mind.

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Welcome to peace street



Yes alot of that
Thats alot of peace

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