Random thoughts thread

AI can only be as good or bad, moral or immoral and as we humans are, well that’s what I think :eyes:

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sooo, what do you suggest?

it depends on how it’s used… I mostly use it to give me books and to organize all my notes lol

if a math problem can be done without a calculator i would 100% go that way, but i would use a calculator to just make sure my answer is right

also, knowing just the answer to things without an understanding is so disgusting to me lol (in anything, not just math)


I don’t have any suggestions, I just don’t like the way tech has developed in the past 20-ish years.

If it is used for very specific things, I don’t have a problem with it. Once it is brought into public spaces or attached to things that millions/billions of people interact with, then that’s where I start to find fault with it because then there is no choice about whether to interact or not.

It’s like an invading force rather than something that is a neutral tool that you could choose to pick up or leave aside.

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the power it has it’s just too great for it to be left aside


China had gunpowder for hundreds of years before the Western world did. They had enough reverence for the natural order to leave it aside for a while.

We, as a culture, seem to delight too much in novelty and destruction lol

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O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are but children. […] There is no old doctrine handed down among you by ancient tradition nor any science which is hoary with age, and I will tell you the reason behind this. There have been and will be again many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes, the greatest having been brought about by earth-fire and inundation. Whatever happened either in your country or ours or in any other country of which we are informed, any action which is noble and great or in any other way remarkable which has taken place, all that has been inscribed long ago in our temple records, whereas you and other nations did not keep imperishable records. And then, after a period of time, the usual inundation visits like a pestilence and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education. And thus you have to begin over again as children and know nothing of what happened in ancient times either among us or among yourselves.’
'As for those genealogies of yours which you have related to us, they are no better than tales of children; for in the first place, you remember one deluge only, whereas there were a number of them. And in the next place there dwelt in your land, which you do not know, the fairest and noblest race of men that ever lived of which you are but a seed or remnant. And this was not known to you because for many generations the survivors of that destruction made no records.’

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It only takes a few glitches for this whole thing to collapse.


If things end badly, well, people always tend to learn from mistakes, maybe not us but future generations.

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I feel like I’m missing some context here lol

honestly, I’m unaware of what other type of AI’s are out there that could lead to destruction

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Evolution is never wrong :pray:


Now that I think about it, Atlantis collapsed as a civilization due to its own mistakes and here we are now. But did we learn from their mistakes? :thinking: lol

(consider as mythological speculation)

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There could be a lot of things, that was more of an analogy about carelessness and optimism about technology.

At the very least, we’re already using it to kill each other.




You don’t seem to be hating the technology itself though

It might not be a good comparison but I would say money does the same thing…

Since AI will continue to exist and improve, bad things will inevitably happen


I do kind of hate the technology, though.

I think it’s interesting that it is basically an adaptive formal system. I’ve been deep into philosphy, sciences and mathematics since high school, so I do have an appreciation of what goes into creating and designing AI systems. The dynamics that it possesses could help lead to the answering of questions that have been considered intractable up until this time.

But the nature of technology (and the thought that goes into it) has been to replace human inputs. It seemed reasonable enough when mahcines could replace brute force and give humans a chance to rest. But AI has gone beyond mere mechanics, it is getting to a point where the aim is to replace the consciousness of humans in different situations.

When Principia Mathematica was drafted by Whitehead and Russel, it looked impressive. But it was made from a Platonistic outlook. One which considered the mathematics as a reality unto itself. However, with subsequent criticism from Wittgenstein, Godel, and others— it became apparent that there was a human sized hole in the principia. The openness of human perception and the interdependency of the mathematics on the human for input and regulation made it fall short of its designers goals.

Nevertheless, different research programmes have continued. Things have continued to develop and, at this point, machines have supplied a type of cybernetic closure replicating (in some way) the human regulation that mathematics required.

But that gets me to the big point. Logic changed from language to symbols. Mathematics changed from a purely human activity to something driven by mechanical computation. --All of this is a progressive writing of the human being out of the picture of reality.

I don’t think it can succede in the way that its most optimistic, techno-religious designers and entheusiasts think it can. But the pattern of development that has taken place over the last 150 years does not look promising for humans. --Before, it was only in the textbooks, university lectures, and correspondences among professors. At this point, people have ambitions of linking it to everything that can be internetworked. And there have been clear ambitions to try and connect everything and everyone to some network. — And that is to completely exclude mention of the salvific vision that some people have of uploading their consciousness to a computer lol.

It’s like the Gray Goo scenario where it tries to replace everything with itself: Gray goo - Wikipedia

But who knows… In the meantime, I’ll continue to cheer on the Hackers and Coronal Mass Ejections.

I guess I’ll leave this post.


Man does it feel good not feeling lonely🙏🏿

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I’m curious for discussion’s sake how a ‘collapse’ might manifest

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What you see around you is ordered according to a certain set of rules and parameters … a collapse would imply some or all of these “rigid” structures will be untangled.

Apples fall to the sky.

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Was just bored in the bus.

To everyone that wants to be energy sensitive…ever take a walk through the city? Or is it just mine? No, thanks. It be dirty as it is already.

Imagine seeing entities and stuff on top of that.

I need sand-paper aura cleaning :pensive: :tired_face: :weary:


Cities are amazing in reality, just look at mass and street and roads as one being, people are part of the flow, concrete ans stones are all one, it will “speak” and empower and knows a lot.
Sometimes the story is much older than current name, you can notice steps going down and up at places that were millenia ago a part of the ancient sea.

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Seeing them is not the problem but feeling them :flushed:, in my experience on the street not many stick to you because there is a lot of movement but in closed places it is bad, visiting hospitals is the worst… but hey, nothing that an aura cleansing or grounding won’t solve xd

Sometimes I like to carry a black tourmaline or amethyst crystal in my pockets, seems to help

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