Random thoughts thread

It does seem hopeless— especially when looking at the whole Covid + “Vaccine” fiasco.

I had hopes that a survival instinct might keep us in an okay direction. But it appears that even that instinct is easily hi-jacked and exploited in ways that are ultimately counterproductive to it.

I guess we’ll just have to see where the ride goes lol.

Nothing is ever ideal.

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On another ATo Vaikuntha Loka + mantras episode, reality blink out of existence, but in a different way than I ever experienced. It was like a videogame glitch. It lagged and for a moment went into nothingness.

Good stuff. I need some field to integrate these kind of experiences though.


Really happy right now. I “have to” stay somewhere a little longer. Serendipity is pretty cool.

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Wakey wakey guys

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Beautiful music, beautiful field.

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Eeeewww… Nooooooo…

I want to marinate in my negativity for a little while longer…

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Just a bit longer. I like the comfort of it.

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It’s not just the comfort of it lol.

Everything has a purpose. If a negative feeling arises, it is frequently because something is wrong.

In an ideal world, we could then take action in order to right a wrong. However, this is not an ideal world.

Many things happen that should not happen, and not much can be done to fix things.

Anyways, back to those good vibes lol :sunglasses:

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In an ideal world bad things would not happen.

Ideal to my ego, at least.

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I guess so… Then, in a less shitty world, bad things would be capable of being reversed.

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What’s the purpose of this hell?

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God is such a cheeky devil.

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Sir. Put that back.

Just kidding but I do wanna know why corruption and degeneration set in after 14 or 16. Also, what’s “the essence of Heaven”? I don’t recall ever having that lol

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Ah, understandable.

That sounds blissful for some reason, which makes me interested haha.

So, is your whole thing about Taoism? That’s your tradition/philosophy/religion?

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I guess so… I didn’t know what it was when I first encountered it in meditation. But the Taoists are the only ones who were able to describe what I experienced.

The mind and body are the same, so it’s ultimately just a matter of physiology. Creating harmony in all the layers, and being a good caretaker of all that you are, so that it can radiate around you and carry you to the source of all things.

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Interesting… Thank you.

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Anyways, on to other things so this portion of the conversation can get buried lol

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