Random thoughts thread

I heard that we can change the past, although I’m not 100% Sure who said it.

Perhaps Captain or someone else, Idk.
I’m not sure.

You are born with a set template.

You CAN be whatever you want, but the farther it is from your default template, the more focused awareness it takes.

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You can “revise” the past.

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So only change it in my mind and my current perception of it.

To change the past from here is impossible. You’d need to go there using a time machine. (on this note, you’d also need the right coordinates, as you may land in a timeline that is a bit different from yours)


nah a lot of people download pirated things from the USA I did it once in the past it’s okay, they can’t arrest millions of people at the same time lol sometimes you can see news that they arrested a certain person for piracy but it’s more to scare you or because that person was a pirate or large-scale distributor.

Also, if it is streaming, there is no content in your possession.

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I can revise the past.


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Your perception of it, affects your ability to direct your future.


That’s good to know lol.

Scare tactics 101: show them stuff to scare them lol.

It’s worldwide implemented anyway.

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Bro can do anything.

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I forgot to tell you I’m an arcturian fr fr.

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It wouldn’t surprise me.

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That’s great to have a taste of the past.

I’m too chicken to try it though.

Who knows what I might perceive lol.

Any precqmbrian scary creatures?

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It’s a portal to a cleaner and less dense version of the planet. Literally nothing to be afraid of.

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I have never tried that portal, it has never particularly attracted me, and the dream portals consume a lot of energy for me.

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I tried the forest one.

It’s beautiful.

I could feel the air getting more fresh

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That’s good to know.

Thank You.

So, it’s good for Breathing then too? :thinking:

I might try it.

Precambrian, before the cambrian explosion. When complex multicellular life emerged. – Oddly enough, an anomaly when considered from a darwinian perspective.

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The Stonehenge one is very good, very grounding and in some ways healing, one of the few that I have used the most.

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