Random thoughts thread


Btw I can make minimal stacks now too. But my body still needs patching up everywhere so u.u

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So much the better if it comes from intuition and not ego.

Well, when I work with a field it is usually just one field. Not even stacks.

But it doesn’t happen often. Step by step we make progress anyway.

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That was funny.

Perhaps you exist as your shadow most of the time.

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Om Hram Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah :sun_with_face:

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Netflix: Releases Three Body Problem at once.
Me: Watches first episodes and checks if they released all.
My brain: skip to the last one :japanese_ogre:

It’s just the first chapter, there are 2 more to go.

Just read the books, or listen to the audiobooks :smiley:

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That’s the reason my brain thinks we should skip, cause then I can read the books so why wait? Impatience isn’t a virtue.

I hope my boy lives but hope is short-lived itself xD

Humata, Huxta, Hvarsta

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Om. It begins again.

I’ve had a weird NFT project idea…. I don’t know if it would be worth making, but it was an interesting idea.

A sort of way for appreciating the specific point in the cycles of time that we find ourselves in. I don’t know if it would be a feasible field concept or not… but I see something like a planet-level field powered by the rotation of the earth as it orbits the sun, and drawing on the astrological influences that meet the planet at a specific time.

It would basically take the positive aspects of the astrological conditions and use that to power up the NFT.

I see a core idea as something similar to the “Holiday Spirit”, which shows up in places where Christmas is celebrated—but generalized and non-denominational Possibly drawing on the concept of Universal Harmony that was explored in my (now defunct) Transcendental Aesthetic project. So all of the best and most uplifting things that people can think of (beauty, harmony, charity, fellowship, etc.), encapsulated into the concept of a sort of spirit that can uplift all situations and bring out the best.

It could work passively to create more beauty and harmony in everyday life, and it could also blend in with celebratory human activities. So being able to draw in the most positive elements of different festivities, bringing in positive intercessions from related beings as well as spiritual development around the awareness of what these different cyclical activities bring into everyone’s lives.

And, also, a specific element of enhancing how people relate to their own gods/guides/masters—basically, giving more direct threads where their good influences can enter a person’s life.

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Ojas marrowed and shaken not stirred

I love that name :joy:

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Cleans the energy body of any junk, stimulates and prepares all of the chakras, primary and secondary and nervous system for the energy work in this course.

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What do you guys think is the recommended order to balance and nourish the energy systems? Dantians, chakras, meridians and nadis. Which one first and which one after or does the order not matter? :thinking: