Random thoughts thread


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Silence the noise and hear the music, loosen the body and let your soul show you how to dance.

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Mahashunya, basically … Vishnu Mudra and some pranayama targeted specifically at balancing ida and pingala and further awakening the sushumna nadi will allow you to feel the structures better … as the “energy” of “truth” flows more vigorously through your body, illusions automatically quiet down.


Or … you can just google what each channel does, focus on sushumna enough to feel how it extends from the guru lotus point of your feet to the brahmarandra point at the crown of your head, and slowly nourish it with subtle energy/prana until your true torus field and golden energy awakens …

If you’ve done enough work with these 3 fields, doing this would be easier, as your system would already be primed to feel these structures … but, without direct intent, I’m not sure if they would be enough on their own…

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With sufficient wiring from Conceptual Conglomerate, you should be able to bridge the gap between the various systems and start to create a network that consciously attunes you to what your body needs most (grounding, breathing, internal purging, astral cleansing [this is usually false memories or parasites], etc).


Of course … you also need to be able to develop sufficient wiring to be able to interact with your internal world with an interface that your conscious mind can process … (Hyperphtantasia, synesthisia, enhanced visual processing, etc)

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That’s one way to go about it … but if you achieve alignment with Mahashunya, it won’t matter … you are so involved in Oneness that memories fade away and are constantly removed from your neurons … the Macroscosm begins to align with you, the Microcosm, because you are one and the same …

But, I’d say, set it as a goal, and let your soul guide you as to how to best reach it … even things like the soul etc … they are just things we need because telepathic channels are not fully opened yet …




Creator beings have no memories, btw … to them it all just looks like a, well, precisely what you said, a mirror … but they are so involved in the process, they don’t recognize their own reflection.


It’s more of a lake/watery surface though … a fluid reflection, not a stiff one like the one we see in our glass/molten sand mirrors.


Something like that … it really is water though, lol.

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:om: :om: :om:

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Detox, Aura Purification and Lymphatic Effusion + would be a good choice after grounding.


The subtle and dense are intertwined … cleaning both has a synergistic effect.


Anyway, good day!

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