Random thoughts thread

I think it’s just very basic info that most people curious about these subjects can easily access.
The description of Taste of Vaikuntha Loka is where I started researching a bit since it said “set a definite goal and define a definite experience”.

Try meditating to “essence of mantras” for a while … you should get a feel for what exactly is going on in your mind when you’re reciting them, eventually.


Not my favorite one but it has a good place in my heart, I used to watch my elder brother play all Final Fantasy games, including the original 7th one, just by watching it marked me a lot.

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:om: :om:

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Man why do my ears heat up when I listen to energy fields such as energetic being and soul core restoration lol

It has been happening since a couple of weeks recently


Same here.

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I can only speculate that its my nervous system acting up, I guess the brain fields I use can strain it as well?

Probably unblocking your ear chakras.


What about face heat like I’m getting lots of hot flushes face,body etc

Thymus chakra, trikuti, bhrikuti, bindu, throat chakra, alta major chakra, nasal chakras, etc.


Welp I aint complaining, was just wondering :P

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Oh, I know you’re a bit of a freak :stuck_out_tongue: I was addressing that more to Rocket.

None of what is performed here in any way fits the standard post-diluvian modality of the world, so it’s time to set sail and let the winds take you to unexplored places.

It is also wise not to share such experiences with the standard person.


Hahah how ever u want to look at man…

Just asking more knowledgable people about these things is helpful I was quite fine until beast said he’s feeling something similar so it might of been others as well…

I didn’t know about those chakras as I currently can’t travel to places to learn properly I ‘only’ have this forum and the internet no guru to guide me yet…

Intuition and google :stuck_out_tongue:

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Not always the most trust worthy…

It’s a work in progress :smirk:

So as in these chakras are ‘opening up’ ?

If you can PM me about it be grateful no worries if not

They’re receiving more energy, which is activating them.

They’re minor chakras, but they are all over the body.

You have a total of 88000.

You just gain more control over your energy functions as they begin to activate.


Good luck on your journeys :purple_heart: :blue_heart: :heart: :green_heart:


Okay thanks :sob: