Random thoughts thread

Ah ok

It showed this so i thought that

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Ah, I get that too, for every post in a followed thread

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My magic bed pocket, can hold NFT, can Hold Devices, and just above my head


I wonder why I keep seeing the numbers 369 and 963 everywhere for a long time. I have searched for its meaning and I think I understand the message a little but I don’t know what I should do, I think I should do something to improve things :woozy_face:

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Try to find the narrative structure to find the meaning. If you can give it some bones, lady Sync will flesh it out for you. Record everything around your experience with that number sequence, have some patience and observe the common elements. Given time, it will be clear.

Steer clear of what people write about number synchronicity and what they mean, it’s garbage and will confuse you. Make it personal to you.



Thank you for your words, with lady sync you mean synchronicity, right?

I wish Tesla had been more specific lol


Anybody have contact with @Jimmy? Like discord?

Never got to finish talking with him.

You’re welcome, and yes.

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I made a playlist for a friend. He knows about fields but mofos never actually use them.

Dude was tripping on first day. Complaining about actual results (like he loves chaos but this made things more ordered).

Quitting on second day (when the detox hit xD). I was like
just take plasma amethyst out, keep the rest. Stay with it.

Dude has a natural talent for this, changes mind easily, is sensitive, is healthy, is lucky, fields work better for him than for me, with zero days of experience
and they never stick to it bruh

But I think this time he will
can’t afford not to anymore xD

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Today I received a notification that today marks 2 years since I created my account in this forumđŸ„ł, it makes me think that I have had a lot of progress in my life since then but also that my life is cyclical, I don’t know if others’ lives are cyclical as well. That is, the same situations are repeated in the same period of time, a roller coaster with the same pattern of ups and downs, I trust that I will get ahead because I have done it before and I have more and more experience but I would like to advance in level significantly.

I guess there is still a pending lesson before moving to the next level
, well we just have to do the best we can, we always have to have hope, not give up and keep trying. This is the game we decided to play.


Hace dos años que compré un audio y recién ahora lo estoy usando seguido


Todo tiene su momento perfecto :+1:



When you want to explain something to an adult but it sounds like you’re talking to a kid:

She could have said directly that life is like the Sims
 except that toilets don’t burn here.

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Let’s see :eyes::eyes:

Am I the only one who thinks that following these extremely specific steps with 3456543 guidelines FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE and taking the pleasure out of savoring food because you’re too worried about data is crazy?

On the other hand

Having the ability to listen to morphic fields
 and there are people who choose something that takes away all possibility to improvise in life? Because of course
 who wants to be able to do your own thing and be able to improvise something and not have to follow a fixed schedule and probably miss out on things that are important to you? No. It’s much better than listening to a playlist while you sleep. Clearly.

WTF, I insist

As soon as possible, that guy will no longer be able to live on it because Sapien Medicine will be the solution
 because it is the best one.

And yeah
 of course I only looked at the page because I saw pictures of food. And there are recipe videos. I am a foodie. You’ll just have to accept me that way ;D

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