Random thoughts thread

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@Dr_Manhattan Bro, what can you tell us about the brain?
What are its limits?

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I think he muted us because I told him to make toaster intelligence NFT xDDDD


Mane, i know where you are coming from

But its just another way of interacting with the universe, the easiest, and fastest way

Do some research on psychedelics, they go wayyyyy back ALL around the world


That is TRUE as well.
Initiation and communication with other dimensions, other worlds and beings, shamans doing it for/since ever.


not the best

I have done weed three times

first time I saw spiders coming all over me

second time I felt fires burning me like hell

third time I saw all my life and my traumatic experiences

none of this came to a good ending. None of those were spiritual. All a big balloon of lies


Why were they lies?


Most psychedelics take you to some psychedelic realm…usually not related to a lot of spiritual teachings. I know this jnana dude that says only LSD takes you to a meditation stage. 6th jnana, endless space (or smth like that xD), the first off-world jnana, non body bliss and what not…so yeah, LSD is a shortcut but only LSD and only if you could on your own get to “nirvana”/realization/fruition/arising and passing away…that way then you can go all the way after the shortcut…if you even want.

Then there is that video where Joe Rogan tells a story (that is fiction but could be true) of some buddhist monk downing a fistful of pills and saying “whats this bs?” a pill don’t give no bliss.


from people that never advanced.

You could argue that they never incarnated in earth again and now they are ascended or what. But how could you know, instead of blind faith? Experimentation

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Hell no lol

You know what’s funny?

Psychedelics are basically IPF Tag, Conceptual Realizations and the Self Relization series

This is from a website thats all about psychedelics


Who woulda thought…


because after remembering them nothing came out, it was scenes that never happened, things that I saw and it was different not by feelings but by facts, I remember the moments that passed, none of them existed.

truly I asked the people that were in the situations after, nobody got a clue what I was talking about in a very honest way.


They might be things from your subconsciois?


Because they dont meditate and contemplate. I literally said that above

Philosophy is crucial

I dont believe in this stuff, it hasnt been my experience

There is nothing to ascend to, anything can be found/experienced/realized right here right now

There is nothing “outside” of this life, the universe is contained within itself because its one thing

One giant Mind that imagines to be humans right now


very different from releasing.

very close to being delusional.

exact thing is that it got me memories that are not me. Closer to alchemical revision series.

way too bad. I tell you catastrophic at the time


For this, I’ve seen pranayama recommended as a way to wake up in harmony. The authors I mentioned above use the 8 circuit brain model. Energetic stuff happens in the first non-verbal/conceptual circuit…your experiences are just like that circuit activating in the nightmarish way (I think either Freud or Jung got it that way too xD).

That is good, you are open to it and primed. But if even weed has negative effects it isn’t a good thing. You need natural relaxants (not drugs, any herb will do) and full body massages, to get the first circuit relaxed enough so survival stuff doesn’t kick in when awakening the somatic circuit.

AKA what everyone knows that a hot shower before meditating is the best prep.


Anyways, things go in circle right now


Thats the subconscious.


…very different from subconcious limits dissolver, or ego desolution. I tell you it putted me memories that are not me in my mind.


Well that dissolves some things, what you saw/experienced might be those things, idk.


sure will try those.

Not drugs though