Oooooooh so that’s why I am gay now, i taste with my balls
Why yes of course
Did u know that
That’s why ur anus hurts when u eat spice, because it’s the spice touching ur anusssss when it’s leaving
Fun fact
bruh I thought my ass couldn’t handle indian culture and that was it
Nope lol
Imagine if somone says test taste and u
proceeds to put food down pants
that’s why I am not wearing a belt nowadays to be honest
Is the logic parts of the brain that logical to put a structure in reality or reality is unlogical and the brain have to keep resistance to reality to make a structure and become “your reality”?
I mean if you put pressure in a belief the belief will be stronger because of the pressure it survived. Same applies to reality?No?
I like reading the random thoughts thread.
why random thoughts thread exists?
Why biceps writing a whole essay?
It is said that Saint Theophilos discovered a random thought while sitting under and orange tree one day…
He looked directly up at one of the oranges hanging from one of the branches, he thought to him self “hmm… Why tree have orange?” And then BOOM! it hit him!
The orange fell on his face…
And then BOOM! It hit him! He realized he had just discovered what a random thought was and spread the word but his friends and family didn’t believe him…
The only place any one believed was on this one forum on the internet called the Sapien medicine forum…
So he created this thread in hopes of finding some like minded people who too, have experienced the strange phenomena of a “random thought”
Oh wait, youre Saint Theophilos! Hi man
oh shi, I got revealed I thought my name was hidden here, now everybody knows about the oranges I eat everyday.
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Vitamin C field aint got nothing on me still
I am the real Vitamin C, I am the truth
btw this is how it happened with olives tree, it was a tree that had only green olives that were so small that you couldn’t even get them down and I started thinking, why olives exists? I was 8 years old when it happened
How to change my name to SaintVitaminCTheophilos though?
No, you are the inspiration of the gods.You deserve a nobel prize for doing spiritual cardio everyday
that’s some divine chest full of unconditioning and loving
Why do I exist though?