Random thoughts thread


My life is ruined for real

How am I supposed to complain with this fearless and unbreakable confidence and such helpful warriors all around me


thanks for translating

and by the way unbreakable is number 1 music for me. If repetition wasn’t bothering me then I was going to only have that song to every field.

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always xD

plus you said you solved all your problems man how dont i ask?

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brain refresh for that…but meditating and silence better thought xD

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and the last one is knight/warrior. Not because it’s bad but not fitting to the knight energy. I was waiting more like calm-epic-violin-orchestra music.

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it cured my cancer and made me go for 90km marathon in the same day.

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idk what the best music is for me but I like the one with violins


oh yeah that one

ye ye i remember that one. Was it the? Or the other one? oh yeah I remember this one

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you guys ever feel an impulse to do something and u know its wrong but it wont leave you

here is mine:

sending here cause its too dark for the general forum and this just became our dungeon xD

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Oh every day bro

I took someones life once too

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Unbreakable has god tier music

I also like mana circuits

and zealot of positive change slaps as well


He was trying me and i just took out my self defense modern weapon and told him:

Take it out your phone and look up a casket little boy

Now press buy

Now call ur mom

The end


its true one time my cheak turned red from the slap

but its ok I can endure pain


garou favorite music from audio of sapien medicine?


no i def didnt mean that :face_with_monocle: calling fbi :male_detective: :policeman:

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it’s called yo-yo

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Charm mode activated

“Hey how can I help you with guys?

Beautiful day out here huh

Hows your wife and the kids?”


yeah u are forgiven he probably deserved it

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I feel like the music on sapien medicine is rather more calm, doesnt stand out as much like on dream seeds or energetic alchemy

but I also liked the one for thyroid healing and regeneration