Flowing with the go.
As we always have been in the river of time.
Flowing with the go.
As we always have been in the river of time.
Nah but seriously what a coincidence lol
I was listening to the orgone accumulator and instantly felt different
Like my vibration raised A LOT along with my anxiety
I knew if I started introspecting I was gonna scare myself again but this time I just jumped in the pool
It felt relaxing after a while, just sitting there. Then I thought: I am in such a hurry to be happy but I am not building my way up to it
It’s gonna be my downfall if I keep being this way
We’re all a work in progress man, I too have things to work on.
Introspecting can be topsy turvy, I have yet to do the Shadow Work I promised myself long ago, perhaps afraid to peek behind the curtain.
But I always look to the greatest individuals for inspiration, when I want to point fingers or blame my environment for influencing my behavior or thoughts.
For me this is a challenge rn, because I feel susceptible most to people around me as of the moment, which tends to swing the pendulum most often to their negativity that they aren’t mindful of.
Of course they aren’t entirely at fault nor that dangerous.
but I realize once you help yourself, or improve what you are neglecting.
other people follow suit.
The mirror fixes the cracks and dissolves the pimples.
lol guys I made a playlist from owls idea
anger management
become kinder and patient
way of integrity
repel negativity
jealousy shield
I think its a really good daily stack for the next two months to work on emotions and become a better human being and clearly need all those after some introspection.
I was thinking this for this whole week too to start doing it
whats up Jondoe what happened yesterday it resolved?
i was glad to be part of drama friday. I was never in a drama
Έχω να σε δω πολύ καιρό
Same on god
“αδερφός για αδερφό”
you know all these languages or you translate them?
Yes bro, I hope it was.
Just seemed like a hatchet job to me rather than a resolution attempt to whatever that guy wanted from me.
I just know random phrases in a bunch of them.
But in a month or 2 I should have all the languages.
got an NFT for that?
by the way man how much NFTs you got?
γηράσκω δ᾽ αἰεὶ πολλὰ διδασκόμενος.
thats ancient greek with english together? xD
Yeah threw some classical at you.
Whoops changed the quote.
is it from socrates or solon?
She’s not wrong, we are all filled with microplastics.
Some plastic implants.
Predictive programming ladies and gentleman.
If there is smoke, there is always a conspiracy theory :)
actually my jam broskito
Speaking of conspiracy theories @Owl
I’m posting way too many here.
Pun intended @anon51404939
Owls to Athens get it? ^ Owl
Here you go:
γλαῦκ’ Ἀθήναζε / εἰς Ἀθήνας