So happy with my new bat cave though thank you @joedoe and dream
i want to know how come you think having a perfect energy system will speed up all your physical results
because energys get integrated faster right?
Right and what comes before integration?
I dont know. Listening? maybe
You need to be open and receptive to the energies
Are you focusing on that?
Just know it works, dont believe? Dreams fields will still always work. Maybe let it build with realistic expectations
I didnt know, i have just been listening to them, i do believe because somtimes i get good results
Im lazy to explain but just know that your body might not always be open to change its programming, wiring, or structure for a new one
I’m assuming your reality isn’t very fluid so just focus on getting rid of that resistance
Ego dissolution helps. Anything that opens up and/or that expands your consciousness helps. And stuff that reduce fear helps too.
Then you can integrate the new you
Really dont focus at all, if youre desperate for results buy the sapien rhapsodi headphones on soundweave, those boost results 100%
Yes because thats how you get far in life
You do, you can drive forever without focusing
Too absolutist.
Focus on audios like tags, play once and they carry on you for hours sometimes days, weeks or months
What works for you might not work for another person
Not true, fields are like water, everything benefits
What does this mean? That they can work in any way regardless of the individual but they still get the job done?