
Thought I’d start a topic on this.
Has anyone tried Randonautica?
The idea is to go to random locations to “hack the matrix.”
It’s become pretty popular on TikTok, but I knew about it before that (I think you used a Telegram bot back then), though I never tried it.

Feel free to discuss what you think of the general philosophy behind it and share your experiences if you try it.


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Randonauts’ subreddit


Here are many stories of people using Randonautica and experiencing personal messages and clues.


This is wicked amazing. I think I’m going to try this out soon. Was just listening to Synchronicity from Energetic Alchemy.

You know what? I bet @Samurai isn’t even taking the time to reply to this thread and he’s already driven half way to an intent marked “Omni-Godhood”. :mage:t2:

I wonder what intent I’ll come up with? To learn something… that sounds good. :face_with_monocle:


Samurai doesnt use social media, especially not tik-tok lol, its pure poison for the mind.

I only use this forum, and occasionally check yt to see if Senpai uploaded something.

As for dimensional jumping, yes its real.

Why do you think I recommend the Fae mandala and the deep wild…?

Devas might take you to a “magical” place ;)


So I might head to the location with this on me.

Now you’re giving me ideas.

Do keep us posted…!


Just wanted to create a topic about this, found yours instead.
It is fascinating indeed

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I just found about it and my first thought was “This is the stuff creepypastas are made of”
Could be because I read those articles first lol. You see this stuff and you wonder why people still don’t investigate spiritual phenomena.
I also wondered if advertising companies used a similar system to show ads that correlate with our thoughts

Yes, but more so in the way that they build a profile for you with all your previous online interactions.
So the predictability of what you are going to do goes up a lot.


Yes, that is publicly known, but I thought maybe some of them actually know of all this stuff and use servitors or something else to determine which ads to show?
Tbh this idea really scares me, because it could mean that they can combine AI with servitors, or rather, that AI-technology IS in fact a servitor-powered energy-system…
Idk, hope I am completely wrong on this

Edit: This is quite interesting too:

I imagine wearing BPIL (and maybe a lucky field item) and going randonauting could be pretty darn amazeballs, rather than this slew of bad luck that this guy experienced