Rare Earth Cures (Patreon)

Maybe make a colloidal silver project too :100:


Any more info on this one?

According to Dr. Joel Wallach in “Rare Earths: Forbidden Cures
@Rayofpeace link to book copy, to get more info :slightly_smiling_face:


Thnx but doesn’t open for me. Any info from the creators perhaps??

This makes me fart for days haha. I thought it was the fenugreek seeds I was taking but it’s indeed this. Farting out all the bad in a win :nail_care:t5:


Testimonial from Patreon

This is powerful, I’m not someone who has good eyesight and over the years it kept deteriorating and I ended up needed glasses. I listened to this once yesterday and my sight improved almost immediately. Today I listened once just now and I can see so much better. As I said this is powerful so use your discretion to your body and it’s needs and don’t over use. After listening today my body feels like it needs food and rest, which in my case feels like in order for it to work, process and heal with these minerals it’s taking time to adjust to them. These are just the physical benefits I’m speaking of so far. Blessings to you healer Sapien for creating these gems. Good luck to everyone on their journey



Does this only work if the premium field is active does it work after membership expired?

If I’m not mistaken it is not a premium Tier field. Sooo it should work after desubscribing or expired membership.


Awesome thank you