Rare Earth Cures (Patreon)

Rare Earth Cures

This is an alchemical combination of

Colloidal Lanthanum

Colloidal Neodymium

Colloidal Praseodymium

Colloidal Samarium

Colloidal Thulium

Colloidal Ytterbium

The ‘plasma’ energy and magnetic energy.

All designed to super charge your cells

According to Dr. Joel Wallach in “Rare Earths: Forbidden Cures,” supplementing each of these minerals is associated with stimulating metabolism, promoting the growth of normal cells, and doubling the life spans of laboratory species.


I enjoy seeing unique creations


Let’s see what our Silicon-based friend tells us about those:

While scientific research on colloidal forms of these rare earth metals is limited, alternative medicine and some speculative sources have posited various potential benefits. Below is an overview of what is suggested by alternative practitioners and enthusiasts regarding each of these colloidal lanthanides.

Colloidal Lanthanum

  • Suggested Uses in Alternative Medicine:
    • Detoxification: Some alternative medicine proponents suggest that colloidal lanthanum could assist in detoxifying the body, particularly in removing heavy metals.
    • Bone Health: There is a belief that lanthanum may support bone health by influencing calcium metabolism, possibly aiding in conditions like osteoporosis.
    • Cardiovascular Support: Lanthanum has been speculated to have beneficial effects on cardiovascular health, potentially by supporting normal heart rhythm and blood pressure.

Colloidal Neodymium

  • Suggested Uses in Alternative Medicine:
    • Energy Enhancement: Neodymium is often associated with energy fields and magnetic therapy. In colloidal form, it’s speculated to enhance the body’s natural energy, though this is more a metaphysical claim rather than a biological one.
    • Mental Clarity and Focus: Some suggest that colloidal neodymium can improve mental clarity and cognitive function, possibly due to its association with powerful magnetic properties.

Colloidal Praseodymium

  • Suggested Uses in Alternative Medicine:
    • Emotional Balance: Colloidal praseodymium is sometimes thought to help with emotional stability and balance, potentially useful for stress relief or anxiety reduction.
    • Support for Immune Function: There are claims that it may enhance the immune system, though this is highly speculative.

Colloidal Samarium

  • Suggested Uses in Alternative Medicine:
    • Pain Relief: Samarium is known for its use in radiotherapy for bone cancer. In alternative medicine, colloidal samarium might be proposed to help with pain management, especially bone-related pain.
    • Cancer Support: Some alternative practitioners might explore the use of colloidal samarium in supporting cancer treatment, given its radioactive isotopes’ role in mainstream medicine. However, this should be approached with extreme caution.

Colloidal Thulium

  • Suggested Uses in Alternative Medicine:
    • Enhanced Meditation and Spiritual Practices: Thulium is sometimes associated with the enhancement of spiritual practices, potentially aiding in meditation and connecting with higher states of consciousness.
    • Energetic Healing: Similar to other rare earth elements, thulium might be suggested for use in energetic healing practices, purported to balance subtle energy fields.

Colloidal Ytterbium

  • Suggested Uses in Alternative Medicine:
    • Anti-Aging and Regeneration: Ytterbium is occasionally mentioned in the context of anti-aging, possibly aiding in cellular regeneration and longevity.
    • Cognitive Enhancement: There is speculation that ytterbium could support brain health, improving cognitive functions such as memory and concentration.

General Notes:

  • Energetic and Spiritual Uses: Many of these claims are tied to the idea that rare earth elements, due to their unique magnetic and electronic properties, may interact with the body’s energy fields or chakras, leading to various health benefits. This perspective is common in practices such as crystal healing or certain types of meditation.
  • Lack of Scientific Backing: It’s important to emphasize that these uses are not supported by rigorous scientific evidence. The claims are largely anecdotal, and the effects of these colloids on the human body are not well understood.
  • Safety Concerns: The toxicity and safety profile of these colloidal solutions are not well-documented, which means there could be potential risks associated with their use.

Beat me to it, nicely formatted too :grinning:


Yep, and you were 0.3 seconds faster :smiley:


Feels like every cell in my body had coffee but without any side effects. I feel calmer even. Been wishing for a field like this to support my health. Thanks captain :heart::raised_hands:


Perfect timing, as always! Thank you :pray:t2:


What is plasma energy?

This is great :star_struck:! Thank you for this field with multiple beneficial properties for health!

it will be added in the dimensional pocket :slightly_smiling_face::muscle:


This :


this is dope

1 Like

This + kinetic quasi crystal because of the m-states should be a interesting combination


i would theoretize this is a real life magnetic capsule audio stack…

which makes it invaluable for work with morphic fields and for protection and healing.

and not needing to create a magnetic capsule.

super dope.

feels good on all body.

like a spiritual body lotion.

thanks again! perfect timing!

i would think this also protects good against EMF and radiation


Lovely music. I noticed increase in energy. Been looping for awhile


Idk to put this at the beginning of my stack or at the end.

Will there be a more thorough description?:green_heart:

beginning of day then midday repeat.


First listen, relaxation. Some tension release in throat and head, feels like nap time. Easing a lot of tension, interesting.


This is one of the timeless releases I’ll always go back to and appreciate. Like orgone and the M-state fields
So valuable. Thank you


Hi there @Drew!

Nice2CU again KY