The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach

Yes, and with Dreamy’s special blend of extra goodness.


Got some basic details for this.

Theraphi is a powerful double conjugate plasma light / infrasound bioactive field. More detailed physics behind Priore – and the precise conjugate physics of Theraphi

The actual plasma tube arrangement used for this ‘time reverse / rejuvenation’ conjugation is depicted with remarkable accuracy in the Egyptian stone carving, It is phase conjugate, centripetal, negentropic.

This kind of strong charge field is by definition simply the electrical opposite of swelling, cyst and tumor growth. It IS this charge distribution efficiency perfected by definition- which is the electrical opposite of cancer. Theraphi – usually generates strong feelings of being energized, metabolic acceleration, circulation and sensation increase.

It is obvious that charge circulation optimized clearly facilitates blood and nerve circulation optimized. In disease cases of many types – there are many early reports of very significant benefit. These are being replicated now by medical professionals.

Not just anti-swelling – it is also known for increasing circulation and sensation in areas where these have been limited or lost. With proven frequency emissions known and measured – it uses a high voltage version of a special aligned plasma lamp pair- to stimulate.

However, since it accelerates metabolism and heart rate- and brings sacral cranial spine liquid pumping to still point (turning point for healing in many cases), We recommend modest 3 minute sessions. The experience generally means you will NOT be sleepy for quite a while.

In a large number of cases there is also a feeling of bliss / euphoria introduced.


Do aliens ask for dream’s fields? I swear all this technology.


Torsion, Cosmo Volt, Plasma Light!!!


That’s a long way of saying



is the next evolution in the healing technologies pioneered by Nikola Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife, George Lakhovsky and Antoine Priore. It’s a bioactive plasma field device, modelled after the famous PRIORE device which was so successful against many diseases in France, particularly cancers and cysts. Theraphi device creates precise frequencies for the production of “Bio-Active Field” which effects the body’s cellular regenerative system, the actual “healing” system in the body. In this new revolutionary system, radio frequencies are used as a carrier wave for various frequency signatures. The robust solid-state emitters combined with a unique mixture of noble gases produce an extraordinary bio-active implosion, negentropy life giving plasma field. The Theraphi’s unique plasma generates longitudinal waves that can be used to send both information and energy and they can be imprinted with information patterns.


The actual plasma tube arrangement used for this ‘time reverse / rejuvenation’ conjugation is depicted with remarkable accuracy in the Egyptian stone carving. By having two plasma tubes, positioned on the treatment table, and with opposite spin density directions, it produces a conjugate field that cascades into a focal point by utilizing natures golden mean ratio ‘Phi’, creating implosive “Biologic Negentropy” environment. Phase Conjugation is a wave phenomenon whereby certain conditions, geometries and magnetic arrangements etc., cause waves to strengthen each other as they come together by adding and multiplying (cancelling any distortions). This is produced by the Theraphi’s unique plasma that creates ‘charge collapse’ – a centripetal force taking waves to the center of all cell metabolism.


Natures Phi ratio is the fundamental principle that the Universe uses to multiply and divide itself on all levels. It is the fractal geometry of nature and consciousness, and operates at all levels of scale in the body. It is key to understanding how the Theraphi works and achieves its results. Phase conjugation is ‘charge collapse’ utilizing Golden Mean Ratio. It is the solution to maximum constructive wave interference, compression, implosion, phase conjugation and to creating the precise harmonics which produce the centripetal self-organizing ‘negentropy’ bioactive field. This ratio is nature’s fractals and is used in all of its biology. It effects every cell of our body and is what makes the DNA’s field electrically centripetal, and braids its genetic material. The energy signature of the Theraphi is the energy signature of a healthy living body.


Negentropy is the reverse of entropy and is considered “the life organizing principle”. It is the tendency to increase order leading to a steady predictable state. Life is considered to be negentropic because it consumes energy like food and transmutes it into the more ordered requirements for cellular function, like cells in the body, tissues, and organs. Negentropy affects our view of time, because time in science is defined as the direction of entropy. Negentropy is referred to as reverse entropy, hence “reverse time”, a process where the cell can remember what it was originally like before disorder set in (a definition of healing). Negentropy is a process of “reverse time” which takes something back to its earlier state. It is what happens inside a pyramid when it is re-sharpening a razor blade, the centripetal forces applied gather the molecules back into ‘phase’ and order. The same coherent forces in the Theraphi restore your body to your original condition, which is called rejuvenation and healing.


This is an electromagnetic system, but of a rare kind not used in our common power systems. Instead of using the common transverse EM waves, this system uses longitudinal EM waves and time-polarized EM waves. A time-polarized EM wave is an energy current in the time domain, as in the quantum field theory. There we are introduced to time-polarized photons a “compression and rarefaction of the local rate of flow of time”. Biological systems use longitudinal EM waves, frequency modulation, amplitude modulation, and “time-domain” electrodynamics which the Theraphi produces. In fact, it uses it to heal damaged cells, organs and tissues. The Theraphi system tailors the specific scalar longitudinal waveform, producing mitogenic radiation, primarily in the UV region of the spectrum but also involving other frequencies. It directly effects the cell’s nucleus with phase conjugate (time reversed) waves, which helps restore the cells memory of being “healthy” - the process of Cell Memory Reversal.


Oooh… Is this like Dan Winter’s work?

Interesting synchro, was just looking at this plasma technology again.

Edit: Oops, missed your newest posts while finding the link. :slightly_smiling_face: :stuck_out_tongue:


Are you calling me an alien!!???
How dare you good sir!

err actually…


Exactly that!

Where the mystery lies is this:

My lab coat is screaming at me to be put on. If you have a field that gives you negentropy I’m sure with enough focus you can direct it towards anything. Healing yes… expected but the other stuff.

My neurons and neuropathways right now:


I barely found it on YouTube
It’s like hidden idk
I mean it’s not in videos section nvm

Thanks for field btw



recommendation is still 2-3 times? Because I will play it all day I feel my blood pumping everywhere in a very good way. My face my fingers gotten the healthy red color.


Future Sapien Compliments:

“Wow you look so Negentropic!”

“Damn man that bank account is Negentropic AF”

“Yo… You surely put Negentropy in that relationship huh?”


Holy F :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :scream: :scream: :scream:

I remember years ago when I was researching Royal Rife’s and Tesla work and came across this plasma device, back then I so wished to own one but the price range was out of my league and now here it his in Morphic field Dan Winter work :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :boom: :boom:

Overwhelmed with Gratitude :pray: @Dreamweaver and the rest of the team



Thank you, Dreamy! And everyone who’s contributed to this field! :pray: :pray:


I’d play this ONCE to start off with
and recommend playing “Grounding Audio” or actually physically grounding to enhance the benefits.

This is waaaaaay more powerful than you realize…


Don’t forget mstate gold :stuck_out_tongue:


damn, that much powerful even OM himself is playing it once?


everyday is ok or should I listen to it every other day or every three days?


We’re all Gods.