🌱 Plant Growth & Environmental Harmony - Free Stack

  1. :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: Starts off clearing and building energy for the environment to have a clean slate and give ‘schuman resonance’ with Repel Negativity, Environmental Energy Accumulator, and White Light Waves
  2. :milky_way: Plasma to enhance assimilation of fields
  3. :ocean: Water charging
  4. :high_brightness: Far UV-C sanitizes
  5. :zap:Orgone Accumulator - life force energy & emf transmutation
  6. :pray: Blessings of Hearth and Home - environmental abundance, upliftment, good luck
  7. :seedling: Plant growth & photosynthesis - self explanatory
  8. :sunny: Sun Gazer & Far Infrared - lighting
Extra Enhancements
  1. :atom_symbol: M-State Playlist after the water is charged to add ORMUS (M-state series)
  2. 🧚‍♂️ Devic Intercession - plant support & Fairy World / Fae Mandala
  3. Sanctuary card
  4. A few mandalas: Abundance (1st), Attract Positivity (2nd), Negative Ion Generator (8th), Negative Energy(9th)
  5. Sun Kissed Beach Portal - heat and lighting
Self note

Will add non-free recommendations and possibly NFTs as other options


Plants need Love too.
Thank you for another great stack. :pray: