Fae mandala

i figured i should also make a fae mandala thread! michael and thor shouldn’t have all the attention. :yum:

any experiences you’ve had with them?

Sapien Medicine Instagram Fae Mandala


want to know the experiences too, nobody talks about that mandala


That mandala sure does pack some energy!


The Fae isnt something to talk about. Its an experience, a magical one, difficult to put into words.

Print it, wear it, be alone, go in nature, enjoy.


it has an intercession aspect to it too


Just used the mandala once, while walking through nature.

Three times I would instinctively stop and look at a certain spot around me. Felt like I was looking back at someone who was staring at me, but I couldn’t see or contact the beings.

Same thing happened once more on the next walk , even without the mandala. Can’t swap any item right now, so didn’t experiment more with it.


my new fae mandala! @Samurai i’m gushing at how beautiful it is! i took this photo out in my backyard. i have 4 smaller ones not pictured.

i just made them yesterday and it really helped with removing jealousy. i was talking to my crush through group voice chat when our other friends came on and i started having thoughts like ‘oh he’s not giving me as much attention’.

the moment i started to feel jealousy rise up, i placed the mandala on my heart and started to just breathe through it. turns out jealousy is wrong and we all had a great time and i got to see more of my crush’s personality.

i got even happier when he said things like ‘as psynergy always tells me…’ when the group conversation was on advice and i was just chilling in the background.

i was also given encouraging thoughts like ‘love is appreciated, not expected’, ‘to love someone is to see all of their sides and not just the sides you like’. i grew to like his sides that i wanted to change before but now embrace them as his unique expressions.

one friend also started to ask intrusive questions about me and i was calm enough to take it out of the group conversation and into private messages where we hugged it out when before it usually gets awkward for everyone. my crush did a white knight move to protect me by telling everyone to back off about my personal life.

i’m excited to bring my fae mandala to a hike soon, but for now i’m just enjoying my backyard with it.


Lol thats nothing yet.

You see, the more people, roads, cars, etc…the less “natural”, and in a sense, “magical” it is.

I’m telling you, wear nothing but the fae mandala, and go to a real natural place.

If you’re alone, they might even take you to a different “realm/dimension” for a short period.

Its very rare tho, and you might have to request it, but it happens.

Hasnt happened to me but they did offer it once.


How you make it?

Looks beautiful!

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i searched up my nearest professional print store. they helped me print it out, i cut it with their paper cutter and then they laminated it. took about 15 minutes. they were very nice and had no comment about why i’m printing it out, just did their job.

this just excites me to see what comes next! yeah right now the only thing i’m focusing on is to wear my BPIL tag, fae mandala, and listen to devic intercession.

i’ve been to ‘lower’ and ‘fractal’ dimensions before on my psychedelic trips so i’m open to other dimensions, but i won’t feel bad if they don’t think it’s for me.

thank you! there’s definitely a stronger connection/feeling to something i ‘made’ myself but all credit goes to @El_Capitan_Nemo haha.


Yes, this has been my experience. as well Nothing short of magical indeed.

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I been thinking of using this one. But can I just use it as my phone wallpaper? Would that be the same like when you print it out

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@anon25711007, @electrorainbow:

Have a good time with that mandala full of great surprises ;)

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