Recommend fields for

Hello people :wave:
I have a family member who you want to demote or fireof their job, she tells me that they are doing it without reason and arbitrarily.

Who fields can I use
Angelic Intercession
Alien intercession
I remember a field that works to change or manipulate past situations but I can’t find it on Patreon and I don’t know if it works for someone else’s situation.

What do you advise me?

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Along with using Intersession fields if she uses
*The Welcomed
listening to it at work at very low volume


Justice for All checks a lot of boxes.


The problem is that she is not familiar With the morphic fields and because of his religious beliefs he would not use them either.

I wanted to do it for her


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I reread the description of Justice for All. Read in atomistic fashion, the ‘you’ would seem to imply a great distance from a family member, but ‘you’ can be singular or plural. Obviously, you take the wrong being done to them personally. They’re family. Thus, read the description of field as plural and claim justice for your family.


Thank U