Recruiting by the Virtus Victoriam Legion

I agree, loyalty and commitment to the legion is of utmost importance!

There seems to be 2.5x-3x applicants for 45 seats, how will the Consuls be chosen?

Just relax, wait it out.

We’ll look at it and make a collective decision.
It will be announced.


Sure, do count me in.

with all the spamming Dr has done for last 4+ yrs… I’m sure he’s got it sorted about such things.


I think we have enough people to choose from.

I’m locking the thread and we’ll make our decision.
Please give us some time, 45 people is a lot.


It’s a really big change, the whole forum is getting on the guild system.

So, we’ve figured we should stay open longer and take a couple more people in on the first round.

Keep in mind that we will expand later too.

So feel free to apply below if you haven’t already


I’m interested!

would like to apply

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Yeah man you should definitely join :blush:

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Dear Legionaries and Dr_Manhattan,
I’m applying to be part of the guild :pray:

@DR_MANHATTAN . I would like to apply to become a be part of this guild, thank you.

I recently finished my process of mind purification which took about five years stabilizing in non-duality. Now futher enhancing the capabilities of the mind is next.

I also just built an app that is in beta testing that can run any energy (or combinations of different energies, fields…) on autopilot.


:raising_hand_man:t2: I apply

I would like to apply.

It would be an honor to join.

I apply

We are ready to show the results today


Almost thought the guild went underground for a second.

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Recruiting as been done and announced here