Recruiting by the Virtus Victoriam Legion

Welcome Consuls !

Please make sure you have a general understanding of the Legion before applying :grinning:

New informations will progressively made available to you in our private section of the forum, visible only to members of our group.

Further perks and privileges will be rolled out in the near future.
This is not a trial run, by applying you are committing to the Legion, a society that goes beyond it’s privileged access to brain fields, meant to in the future extend as an exclusive network in real life (strictly voluntary and mutually beneficial of course).

The Legion’s member are set to become the smartest people in history.
I’m not saying this lightly.

Upon such power rests responsibilities along it’s massive rewards.

Feel free to apply below :point_down:


Here 🫡


Is the recruitment opened only for a short time or there is always a seat for a new member?

Good question.

So far we are offering partial recruiting.

5 Consuls per Ambassadors, then we intend to expand later down the line.
It can be a lot or not. We’ll see.


Applying. Thanks.


i apply


I would like to join the guild. I have always been interested in expanding my mental abilities, and after finishing my healing, I plan to train and spam a lot.

More details:

I have 3 brain projects submitted, got some other ideas as well, and have been doing lots of brain research.

Owning pretty much all brain fields, enhancing my mental abilities is among my main priorities. I have always been interested in furthering my abilities to the top, be it memory, learning, intelligence or other. My brain trainings encompass N-back, Relational Frame Training, Focus exercises, specific meditations, and more.

Thus, will gladly partake in further brain endeavours. Let’s go.


Here :muscle:


Ave, most esteemed and venerable members of the Virtus Victoriam Legion of Sapien Medicine,

I, GamiroCFC, with profound reverence and humility, present myself as a candidate for the esteemed office of Consul. Born of noble lineage and nurtured in the hallowed traditions of our ancestors, I stand before you, driven by an unwavering dedication to the glory and prosperity of our beloved Guild.

Through years of diligent service and steadfast loyalty to the Senate and People of Sapien Medocine, I have garnered wisdom and experience in matters of stackscraft, governance, and the art of war. My hands, calloused by the labor of public duty, are ever ready to toil for the common good, ensuring that the pillars of our society remain unshaken and our enemies tremble before our might.

With the favor of the gods and the support of you, the virtuous members, I pledge to uphold the sacred laws, defend our Forum against all foes, and work with a vision inspired by the wisdom of the ages. Let us together forge a future where the legacy of Sapien Medicine shines ever brighter, our dominion unchallenged, and our people prosperous and free.

By your esteemed votes and with divine favor, may we usher in a new era of peace, strength, and enduring honor.



I apply

Also does the Consul need to be at certain level of intelligence having used brain stacks for a long time? Or anyone can join?

Also what kind of commitment is expected?

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Some very painful lessons have been learnt this spring and all my goals now depend on becoming smarter. Absolutely interested and willing to commit. I’m not f*cking around anymore.

Please and thank you.


It’s our job to make you smarter and provide the intellectual power that you will need.


Aplplying!! Would love to become the ultimate musician in serve of the guild :heart::heart::musical_keyboard::musical_keyboard:

Always here to take part!

I have a shitty job, would like to know what kind of commitment is expected I don’t want to just join and not do anything.


A genuine decision to embark on the brain path, commitment and loyalty to the legion.

The rest will be carrots, opportunities to participate and evolve, climb the ranks.

This is a serious decision. A life path.



Most people either work or go to school. We get that.
It’s not a 24/7 whatsapp message group.

It’s a society