Rehan's Mom Is in Urgent Need of Healing - - - Urgent Help Thread - Emergency Thread

Thank You Very Much!! :pray:

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I’m sorry to hear this. Sending peace and love.


Sending healing intercessions :pray:


May The Divine Bless You and Everyone for Your Kindness. :pray:

Thank You, @anon67686978 and All/Each One of You, My Friends.

I feel sleepy.

I Wish You All a Blessed Night/Day. :heart:


I prayed with Angelic Intercession for help, healing and protection.
I will continue to do so the next days. :pray:

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You’re A Great Soul, My Friend. :pray: Thank You for Helping Those Who Are Going Through Unfortunate Events.

Playing intercesioon for your mom.:green_heart:


You’re Very Kind. TYSM! :pray:


Thank you

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Leh’s little dog needs help:


If you can help her, please do so (but please, talk to her first).


Thank you so much @SoulStar33 for this gesture🙏🏻
I welcome all healings sent to me … thank you :pray:t2::hibiscus:


Sending healing and love to you, Lanos.
Healing Rainbow


Ill send you as well love and healing :orange_heart:

Did they say how this condition develops and or what causes it?


Thank a lot @Rosechalice and @anon73693188

Lunamoon … it’s genetic mutation… by this cells can multiply and form tumours randomly anywhere in the body… new tumours keep forming over time … though all are benign yet they can be fatal as they disrupt the normal structure of the body. I have a large one in abdomen that pushes my ovary … yet it’s not large enough to cause pain and disruption. I have a few smaller ones in my lungs… these are disruptive as they decrease the capacity of lungs to hold air… eventually as number of such tumours increase in lungs, it can hold less and less air resulting in suffocation. I have another small one in bifurcation of my aorta causing me high blood pressure which otherwise I probably won’t have. So far these have been observed in the body scans. Over time more can grow at random places.


I am very sorry hun

The only thing i think of is Blue Print of Life and whatever intercession you feel comfortable with.

I know you dont like Servitors and they may feel to you as if they are entities that obstruct your belief system or simply make you feel uncomfortable, and i understand that completely, but with hand in heart id say that if i was you id try everything an anything because at this point i wouldnt have anything else to lose but maybe gain something somehow somewhere.

I say this because we have some very powerful intercessions and Servitors that could assist with things like:

(Followed by making them learn and research about this condition of course)

  • to keep genes in control
  • to keep them intact avoiding mutations
  • to find any benevolent energetic assistance that can help reverse this condition if hereditary
  • to help find the cause if not hereditary and work on reverse and resolve this
  • or to help nullify the effects of the mutation of the existing ones or the new ones
  • or to control the spread of these genes stopping them from reaching major organs etc

Faith and Intention are always our best weapons and when we have been fighting something for so long with many other things on top of it, we lose the strenght to keep fighting and thats when we should reach out to others that have more power, abilities and resources to help us continue the fight until we win.


Thanks Lunamoon❤️… I do have blueprint of life but I didn’t know it could help in this condition. I also have Max heal potion, Eternal and Plasma flaunt. I keep Eternal Mandala with me all the time.
Please check your DM.


Sent my servitors and aliens to help u.


Thank you so much @Powren :heart:


Its not that it specifically helps or that it says somewhere, but among us members we have looked at it as a big aid to heal or reverse health issues that are genetically imprinted in Us, because it keeps unfolding inside then we assume outside too since it has the flower of life principle which never stops unfolding and so we believe it may go beyond our birth and thus help reversing what happend to us in the gestational stage and therefore reverse all genetic things with it negentropic element.

But its just our assumption, however since you already have it and using it more and more frequently would not do harm, then thats why i am suggesting it for you.

And if its not genetic in your case, then even more so it can help, because it for sure reverses whatever happening inside after birth