Rehan's Mom Is in Urgent Need of Healing - - - Urgent Help Thread - Emergency Thread

Do you have this one?

The Smarter Rife


Its listed as one of the Rife Frequencies conditions it helps to, plus Captain added the Tesla Violet Ray, and it can work in a personalized way, and by request of specific needs.


I am spamming blueprint of life now for sure … I anyway want to ‘feel’ that field more.
No I don’t have smarter rife


I think you should get it and mix it with BpoL! :muscle: crush it!!


I’ve got a sort of Emergency: my pe**s has an infection and it kind of got bad, :cry: not very bad, but I might need to see a doctor in the next couple days, if the situation doesn’t improve.

I will use some creams from the pharmacy and I guess skin and wounds fields - yet, I have a question: should I use bacteria fields and maybe fungus as well?

I mean, I’m scared of using bacteria fields as I don’t want to disrupt my flora, but the situation kind of asks for it…

Please send me healing energy.
Thank You.

All my other troubles are significantly better, minus breathing which isn’t great, and now this…

I suggest you go as soon as possible, don’t wait for it to improve. Sending healing, but please do not wait.

Healing Blessings
Healing Elixir Chalice
Healing Lav KY
Healing Light


Thank You. :pray:

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I am having acute diarrhoea for last six days and it isn’t improving … I am also getting blood in stools. I may have to go to emergency now … please send me urgent healing to heal my condition :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:
Thank you so much


sending love and healing!

Healing - Alch Transformation

Healing Chalice 2
Healing Chang'e Medallion


Gonna send You healing energy ASAP. I hope you get well soon. :pray:
Given the situation, You Definitely need to go to the emergency.


Greetings everyone …I really need your help guys…I have developed macroglossia because of some tongue movement and doctor has recommended tongue reduction surgery , and i cannot undergo surgery bcs of some personal reasons …Way before a month I had a small ulcer in the left side of my tongue which was irritating and painful … So it was in a place and position that, to apply ointment i had to stick out the whole left tongue to the right… at that time i had no idea that tongue muscle can also grow like this… Nd from then i am facing abnormalities in my tongue
Tongue got enlarged specially in the left side and the left side became quite longer and bigger compared to the left, the width size of tongue is too affected and i am having difficulty and discomfort to keep my tongue inside my mouth … Pls help me it feels big and asymmetric inside and bcs of its size i am constantly getting pressure all over my teeths , bones and overall jaws

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Hard to do with a private profile.

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Idk what can help you…
Maybe DNA Repair System.

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Has any lady offered to help you?

Also, as @Aizen said, your profile is hidden, although maybe you can still receive messages, unless you blocked them completely, Idk.

I can also help you. I’m not a lady, but I’m pretty well-versed with energy work.

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Don’t know what it is consciously, as I’m heavily big pharmacy testing grounds, but I sense it subconsciously. Which is usually for me. Enough.

If you want, slide in my dms.

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Hi, welcome to the forum

I didnt know about that condition, so i googled a bit.

Like in your case since is not congenital but developed, it seems as it could be related to hypothyroidism, amyloidosis and Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause glossitis that mimics macroglossia.

Did the Dr mention any of that?

you said:

Without being intrusive, were or are the tongue movements involuntary? Or strickly caused because of a movement you initiated and consistently performed?

If it was involuntary then you may want to check

Tardive Dyskinesia, which is a movement disorder characterized by involuntary repetitive body movements, like chewing motions, cheek puffing, tongue protrusion and lip pursing. These symptoms appear during sleep and/or wakefulness. Risk factors include old age, female gender, and patients receiving drugs with anti-dopaminergic activity, for long term.

Also have your thyroid checked.

If you initiated and continued the movements yourself then only way to stop the growth is by stopping those movements and i think in that case only surgery can help to reverse.

Please have a throughout better diagnosis with causes etc then we can suggest the proper fields.


Doctor has recommended tongue reduction surgery … And here another doctor adviced me to perform coblation technique in tongue , which is not done on the city i live in … Is there any fields for coblation … It is a technique in which the tongue size is reduced by producing high radiofrequency with a device along with saline water

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No … he told me about those conditions but in my case due to sticking out the tongue the tissues of left side of tongue has got wider … that means if you can see at the base my left side tongue is seen more wider and bigger than right…
Macroglossia in medical science means big tongue and in my case it grew big because of sticking it out to apply ointment

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Not any field which I know of.

You might want to ask Captain to make such a field or even message him about your condition.

I Wish You ALL The Best. I hope You’ll find the/a solution asap. :pray:

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Please send healing.
Thank You.

Some damned trees or flowers made me barely able to breathe.

It’s a summer night and I didn’t want to close the windows.