Rehan's Mom Is in Urgent Need of Healing - - - Urgent Help Thread - Emergency Thread

How are you doing?

Sending Healing

Healing Heart KY and Empress
Healing Love KY

Healing Power of Light

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Thank You Very Much. :pray:

I am doing much better now.
I had to sleep with my door and windows closed, since the perfume/pollen remained in the air, probably until the morning…

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Keep us posted

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I will.

Especially You can count on me to ask for help. :sweat_smile:

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Can you please update us on your current situation? Looks like a couple of people tried to contact you but couldn’t send a DM.

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I bit my cheek a few times and so did happened for a while now, for the last few days.

I bled and I got a nasty wound on my cheek.

Please send me healing.

I might call an ambulance.

I won’t eat solid food for a while.
Only blended.

The bleeding stopped, apparently. :fearful:

I started listening to brain Regeneration and all sorts of fields, and I ate good, (for) a few meals, until now…

I can’t understand why this happens.

It did happen before though…

But not this bad.

(Local) Inflammation, Nerves trouble, brain issues, why does this happen to me nowadays?

And how to heal myself and avoid it completely?

@Rosechalice gave me some good Advices, last time I asked for healing, I will add those fields and see how can I improve my situation,

But I am interested, has anyone went through this, and how did you get over it, how did you remedy it?

Thank You.

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I didn’t clean the dust in my house the last few days, due to extreme heat and today my fan has spread quite the dust particles throughout our rooms.

To make it worse, outside was an allergen as well, plus wind blowing it into the house.

Please send some help.

Throat inflammation and breathing are the issues.

Thank You.

I wish I wouldn’t bother anyone with these requests…
But I have to.

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Sending . . .

Healing and Light
Healing and Love Aine and Pink Tara

Healing KY Nuwa


Thank You Very Much. :pray:

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Keep us posted :slight_smile:

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I don’t know if this would be enough for you, but I had some throat inflammation and weird pains yesterday and after listening to Gentle Internal Healing (feel like nobody uses it), Fa Jin Gong Healing, and Acupressure they were gone.

Wish you get well soon.


Thank You, Bro. :pray:
Yeah, I barely used Gentle Internal Healing throughout the years.

The Air became more breathable, even fine, the last couple days, so i could clean the rooms, be more active, go outside (not just late at night) etc.
Things have improved.


Sending help :hospital: :pray:

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Hello. I do not understand.
Do You need for us to send help or you are/were sending help (to me, I assume)?

Update: Thank You, @Rimuru. :pray:

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Sending one of my healing servitors

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My grandad is back in hospital and when we wwre on the phone tò him he had a really bad coughing fit…

can people Please send healing to him ?

thanks all :heart:


I will send him Healing.

I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary, but If you want, can you tell me/us (publicly or privately) his name (not family name)?


his name is Bhaktabahadur

Thanks so much very kind of you :heart:


I spoke a prayer for him.

Do you know if he approves getting healing from strangers (or spiritual healing work at all) ?
In another thread I read that he had a fall two weeks ago, maybe you can add some more info about the cough and his general condition. It could be helpful for people who want to send more specific healing.


Oh shit shit shit i havent asked him and theres no way hed approve or even know what to make of this stuff. :grimacing: Ive tried to get him and others to listen to fields but they didnt .