Rehan's Mom Is in Urgent Need of Healing - - - Urgent Help Thread - Emergency Thread

I’ll ask the Angels to intercede, and I’ll ask them to be aware of his Karmic set up and free will, dont worry too much my friend, you asked us help out of love and your intentions are pure.


No need to worry! In my opinion it is always better to ask the person if possible. Maybe you can ask him the next time you speak to him if he would be open to receive healing work (That he did not listen to fields does not mean he does not want other healing work. Or it was not the right moment and now he thinks differently).


Sending love and prayers for his wellbeing and yours

Healing Chang'e Medallion

. . .


Thanks all, love you guys for real your all 2 kind​:blue_heart::blue_heart:

Ok this might be a bit ignorant but i dont even think hed understand the concept of sending healing as we come from a third world country anf very far away in a remote village

Plus i wouldnt know how to explain it in the langauge

do u think its fine to just send healing without hus knowledge or would it backfire?

Btw hes getting better everday according to my fam but i just got really scared after hearing him cough and breath heavily in bed. If u want i can give additional details

thanks again, so grateful to be here💙


Do people there pray for others? Knowing someone is unwell and wanting them to be well is a fundamental desire that comes from an open heart. The impetus to pray is inherent within those who have religious and spiritual beliefs. Even someone who has a measure of wellness that he does not is offering prayers of the spirit when they visit him. We tend to think that offering healing is somehow against nature when it is the very essence of it. He is in the care of physicians so he has already opened himself up to receive. He knows his family loves him and that love is already healing. No one asks permission to play music in elevators or refuses to use one when they hear it playing. Receiving and giving aid is such a fundamental part of who we are as spirit in bodies that we beg the question of why we are as we are when we wonder if it is okay to sending love and healing.

If angels exist and they minister to humans, is it not possible that they offer aid without being asked? In truth, we are all one, and wellness and wholeness is a natural state. We bless and we are blessed - it’s all the same thing. It is an honor to be asked and to offer.

Blessings and Love


thanks everyone for trying… unfortunatley he’s passed away last night :frowning:

just in a state of shock right now, i wanna go back to my old ways and buy cigarettes. i feel so upset


Blessings on his passing! Please share your thoughts with us - we’re here for you!

Healing KY Nuwa


I’m sorry to hear that. May his Soul find All the Peace and Harmony he needs…

Be strong, My Friend.

Listen to Grief field, ponr fields/stack and Angelic Intercession…
These should be helpful.

Also, try whatever soothes your soul, be it music, nature, a vice, friends, family or whatever you need to cope and heal…


Sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace, and may your family be safe and find some balance and reassurance too :dove:


I am sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace.

I actually think you should go back to your old ways for a bit of time as a form of release, then get back later, just don’t overdo it.


I cried for a little bit earlier but I just feel numb now this is weird…

i cried when i saw my mother but now im just sat feeling nothing . help…


Feeling numb or feeling nothing is ok too…
There is no right of wrong way to be or to express yourself in such situations.


Your brain is trying to process what can only be processed by the heart. Breathe and think of the lovely times you had with him, how blessed he was to have had a nice incarnation here in your family. How his soul is being cared for and loved, as it always has been. How blessed you are to be aware. Find the joy that is hiding in this.

Healing and Light


It’s fine. You go through the whole spectrum of emotions when someone you love passes away…acceptance is far ahead on the road.

I was even euphoric at times, when my mother died. Still miss her (11 years later). So it’s all fine.

Also at that specific moment, there usually is exhaustion and the original shock and everything. Like I said, lots of things ahead of you.

Let it be and let it become whatever it is and becomes.


I’m so sorry to hear that. May he rest in peace.

Be good to yourself and process the emotions.


My condolences

May he rest in peace


Im sorry for your loss brother. May he rest in peace

Please be kind on yourself


Okay Mouldy, sitrep please!

How are you doing?


Thanks all for your kind words and support, love you all :blue_heart:

im doing ok , just a lot to process


Hugs to you :hugs: