Rehan's Mom Is in Urgent Need of Healing - - - Urgent Help Thread - Emergency Thread

We have a diagnosis now. It’s covid. I can’t visit him and he doesn’t have his phone so that limits my options.


Virus Disruption ver 2.0, alongside Be The Healer/Heal Those Around You, also Restoration from The Long Haul (3 times - Idk if this field can be looped), together with be the healer; brain Regeneration and lung Regeneration or Pleurisy or anything else that’s needed.

I wish your father A Fast recovery!


Please play the be the healer and focus on him or play that one in one device and in other device right next to it play the anti covid one on loop that will help for sure


That’s what I’ve been doing. I’m just not much of a meditator and when I get anxious my ability to concentrate goes to hell sooo… I have Be the Healer playing on my computer from YouTube and the covid one playing on my phone AND I have his picture open on my desktop. I look at picture - it’s easier for me than holding a thought or an image in my mind. I hope this way he gets at least a sliver of the energies every once in a while because my mind is all over the place like damn


That should help as well, that’s how I sent my mom help too.


Idk, but maybe, the only condition might be for your devices to be near you, right next to your body, so that you can use them both (?) (just a guess).
So, just stay near your desktop pc (?).

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Yes, I’m seated right next to it and the speakers are almost next to me, phone too.

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You dont even have to do much.

Yes pics help, its the intention of the heart and just think of him.

I always just say:

I am sending this field (say name) through the be the healer portal all the way to (name) to help with (blah blah) thank you.

I also place a mandala or 2 of some deities NFT which i ask them to empower that transfer and to help the person to integrate it deeper and faster.

Leave the devices working, and the diety connected

Other variations include:

  • Activating the Crystallize energy from the course

  • Or activate the healing card and place it over the device with the pic open (but i always activate the Attunement one the day before) so it works faster


No deities, no energy course access. Thank you for all the tips, though. They’re helpful for many who have those. I’ll stick with Be the Healer and the covid one, antioxidants, lung fields. (And if anyone with a deity mandala/NFT is reading this and feels nudged to help… thank you ever so much.)


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Not necessary.

Thats me adding up to make it stronger but its really not need it for it to work.

Just play the audio and think of your father send him love desire to heal etc.

Its nothing too fancy. Just think of him.

And just play both on loop the be the healer in one device on loop then on the other device looping the anti covid (better only one device playing on youtube and the covid from your library mp3 list) because sometimes it gets interrupted for being played (youtube same account on 2 different devices)

Like a message shows up over the video saying: and error occurred youtube is being used somewhere else.


Add Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Glutathione.

If he is having trouble breathing
Hyperbaric Oxygen X2, followed by Glutathione X1

Restoration From the Long Haul

Lung Antioxidant Field (inflammation help) & lung fields

Any other organs effected, use the fields for them plus the individual antioxidant fields

Agree about using
Be the Healer
used with intent. It is especially powerful used because u love/care about the person.


Will ask


I’m m ok but waiting for others


I am feeling much better now. I looped in be the healer to heal myself as I couldn’t hear or focus on anything else. It seems to have worked for me. Hoping to be fully healed.


Were you able to get medical attention? Have you tried the Stroke Prevention and Help and other suggestions above? I want to make sure we are not overlooking your situation because you haven’t shared much.
sending healing energyFeel better soon


Plot twist: I was so desperate yesterday that I kind of tried to strike a deal: if only my father pushes through this, I don’t mind taking on some of his symptoms. Well, today I am sick as a dog. IF this is a deal and I’m suffering some of the symptons on my father’s behalf… I’m fine with that. Team effort! But… Am I now allowed to use the fields on myself? Is that cheating if someone did hear me?

Also please, if you have the time and feel nudged to do so, send some love and healing my father’s way. He really needs it.

EDIT I used my intercession tag and intercessions fields, no dark rituals or anything like that.


Sending love and healing to your father, and angelic intercession and healing to you.

purple angel


I’m in rwhabilition now I went to emergency room but it’s hard to write and read


@onwards I will send you and your dad some healing energy, through Be The Healer; @RedCat11 - same, I will listen for you/send Energy to you as well (also, hope you have a quick recovery); @Mythicalmoth - is everything fine now?

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I had stroke and they opened up my head