Rehan's Mom Is in Urgent Need of Healing - - - Urgent Help Thread - Emergency Thread

OMG… Brain surgery (?)…
May All that is Good bless you…

It’s good but a long my recovery


I need ideas on fields to listen to

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Be the healer/Heal Those Around You, Cellular Regeneration, brain Regeneration (I don’t know for sure, depends on your condition), stroke field, cards,

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Thank you


Hope You Heal Fast! :pray:


sending Caladrius to speed your recovery!


That’s a unique outcome but it can be a manifestation from your stress or smth.

Don’t worry too much, keep asking for help and help yourself with the fields freely.

If you’re still worried, you can always use the grace and forgiveness fields and ask forgiveness of angels that you asked for something and then you healed yourself. But I don’t think they’d interpret your request as you not using fields after taking on his symptoms. Why so much suffering?

In any way, you asked for this for his healing, so you would be contributing to that outcome. I don’t think angels would have you suffering forever and tie your hands to not help yourself because you asked for something to help your father.

I hope they don’t work like that at least. That sounds more like how other kinds of beings work.

Take care of yourself…it could all be your stress.

Btw I’d like to stress the vitamin D recommendation as covid was dangerous only to people with low vit D and weak immune systems.

Maybe if doctors/nurses could help giving supplements (even if only those 2 vitamins).

Also I don’t know about this, but maybe ivermectin could help? I mean, the field.


I have a feeding tube to be removved and 3 nurses don’t know how so I have to go to small surgery


Good luck, make sure to use plasma brain if you have it or plasma flaunt if you have it instead, otherwise brain regeneration from YouTube


Well I still have the balance issue but it’s much better now. Have consulted doctor and all my reports have come back normal. So even they are not sure what exactly is causing the issue.


I have plasma flaunt


Wait who had brain surgery
Are they ok

(Says: brain surgery? Stroke)

Sending ardaas :pray:t3:


RedCat11 had.

Anyone knows anything about Onwards’ Dad?
Or about Him?

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I already so answered your PM so you know but… we’re alive. Sick but still kicking.

@Drift thank you for those suggestions. I’ll try ivermectin for sure. As for my “deal”… maybe, maybe not. Could just be stress. I was so sick yesterday that I was barely able to move. If this really is covid too then it’s no joke.

@Rosechalice Thank you so much

@RedCat11 I’m sending you healing to the best of my ability. I hope everything works out no matter how long it takes.


Thank you


@RedCat11 , Hello how are you doing? you’re very brave and resilient, welcome back and I am glad you are still with us.

I am sorry reading and writing is hard right now. but please give it time. in the grand scheme of things, I believe it’s a small token to pay or foresaken to still be here.

conceptual realizations, and plasma brain of youth helped me in the start; ie I was able to speak again in a less slured manner, write sentences faster again, and I can now hold a pencil and write- I couldn’t do that much few months pre and post op.

but there are more advanced fields now; the Philip and Dream collaborations are amazing; gumroad. ie: conceptual conglomerate. snapping synapses. I don’t have them, but I mean. it’s the two brainiacs collaborating for infinite brain revival ( :slight_smile: ) so yes, totally consider it if you can. if only one, blueprint of life or plasma brain of youth. (when in doubt, blueprint it out).

if none of this resonates,
perhaps you can consider neurocognitive rehabilitation :) (I did that and it helped, and am scheduled to re-start again in the fall since I am slipping again. There are good programs in Cali and the Northeast).

please take it easy


Thank you take care and good luck


Ugly image, watch out:


How to heal this skin burn?

The story: due to my not so great (poor) blood circulation, sometimes I fill a bottle with hot water and keep it near my legs (and I put my base on it) - that way, I can raise my temperature in my legs…

Somehow, I fell asleep and I got burned - nasty looking stuff…

Help me. What fields and any other recommendation?


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