Relationship trauma dissolver

This is to dissolve relationship truama based energy from your system. Such as from ex, lover, wife or husband etc. (Emotions like hate, regret, resentment etc).

And it attempts on filling you with love energy after removing those negative energies. After using for a few days your heat might feel lighter than usual and it will mainly affect checst and stomach areas which are related to emotions.

Also works on your past life relationship based trauma as well. (That is if you are still carrying them anyhow due to whatever reasons) Both audio has the same field and does the same thing but in different way as they are made using different methods. The alternative one might feel more intense for a few. You are free to use both or use any one of these based on what suites you best. I recommend you test both for a bit and see which works best for you.

The audios are fully silent.


And sorry for too frequent posting. Got plenty of stuff to upload that I made over the years so decided to share a few of them overtime. I’ll stop spamming after a while.


I’m grateful because it’s free :smiley:


Nice, this will help me with my hate to my dad?

(Sorry, Im practicing inglish :sweat_smile::joy:)


Very generous that you offer such interesting fields for free. Thank you so much!

This one is for romantic relationships. I’ll be uploading a parental one later you can use that one.


I’m grateful and it’s Free .

Thank you :hibiscus:


Thank you so much

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Please can you upload this one? :pray:🫣

Sure on a later date when done.

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Ahhh nice man :ok_hand: Thanks in advance.

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How does silent audio work, I mean what kind of energy do you use?

They work like any other audios but no music. Pure love and light energy of creation. The same energy that binds the universe.

So no magic or anything like that?

There is no such thing as magic. Everything is just energy in different form and aspect. Magic or whatever people call it. Whatever that’s there in non physical realm is energy work and magic is no exception. They are just different names to categorize them. Even magic at it’s core fundamental level requires energy work. And for solid reference:

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I think there is, anyway thanks for the reply

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You’re welcome.

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A parental / family one that would also work on bloodline / generational / ancestral level would be awesome and much appreciated. It will in fact be one of the most important fields ever made.

Reason is that in relationships and being here we as people repeat a lot of karmic relationship patterns from our parents, grandparents etc. one of the worst loops to carry around and be in is when someone, not even wanting it or completely unknowingly, repeats this vicious cycle all over again. So this would be much appreciated!