Resting period

i’ve begun incorporating more of an energetic rest from morphic fields when i go to sleep! i started getting busy which is exactly what i was looking for and i was wearing my tags and servitors 24/7.

now i’m wearing them when i’m awake and also giving them their own break when i go to sleep.

i had this idea to link my servitor’s accessories together during the night to see what would happen. my theory is they’re connecting energetically and since they’re the fae and the energetic support, i’m sure their energies complement each other based on their abilities.

i feel more organized and energized incorporating these sleeping breaks. as a friend on this forum told me, less is better!

i’ve re-established some of my favourite subliminals back in my sleeping schedule because i like sleeping with sound.

‘dream me’ is doing pretty well for themself!


@intent you can try different combinations and options for rest, and choose exactly what will be more acceptable and effective for you. based on feelings and your needs

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Yes, I will try and see what works better. Feeling is the only guide for this, I suspect.


Interesting. I was starting to feel disorganized. Also some weird effects, though not necessarily negative. Let’s say, just not smooth, but with positive outcomes. I still keep my embedded fields on items and one tag on me. I understand that in order to be incorporated into ones energy body? energy field? One must wear them continuously?

my opinion, but consistency is better with this approach. i think of it like exercising. you’ll get better if you keep consistently working out and taking your rest days compared to working out every day without giving your muscles a rest.

when I take my breaks, i give my energy body a rest and I feel better.

this is my personal account and everyone is different so maybe what i experience doesn’t apply to others who CAN wear morphic fields 24/7. i just know myself enough to know that i need breaks for rest.


IMO giving your energy body a rest is a good idea. But if you are using fields for permanent physical change, then you should consider this post from Team Sapien’s official FAQ:

Q: What if I miss one day? Do I have to listen everyday?

[…] if you want to make permanent changes like to grow taller or lighten your eyes, you MUST listen to it every single day. You will stop the momentum of change happening in your body if you miss a day. It is likely that it will revert back to normal if you stop listening.

I highly suggest you listen once in the morning and once at night. This is all it requires to make the changes you desire to listen consistently and not miss a day.


Good to keep in mind about the physical change fields. It seems that those at least should not be set aside for a break… thanks.

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Generally I like to listen to a whole bunch for a day or 2, then take a week or 10 days off…then listen to a whole bunch again for 2 more days…
then come back to the forums and complain to @El_Capitan_Nemo about how his fields don’t work!

YMMV :stuck_out_tongue:


LOL! But do they work like that? I wish my subconscious would get the message so fast… You must have a direct line with it… !

No. I was joking.
:arrow_forward: “then come back to the forums and complain to @El_Capitan_Nemo about how his fields don’t work!”


Ha ha hahaha I thought you were joking only on the last part, about the complains … !

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My teacher, who has now passed, once told me, “If you think meditation is boring, then you’re just thinking! But when meditation for a usually sincere practitioner begins to seem like a chore and you no longer look forward to it, as though it was not Friday evening but a Monday morning, STOP! Take a break, refresh and reset yourself, and then get back to your practice.”

A bunch of things seems to help me with the resting period …

  • Adding the Meditation audio from the course to my nightly stack (thanks to @_OM)
  • Taking a day off every week from all audios and all tags (generally Saturdays, followed by a Sunday morning of Deep Aura Cleanse)
  • Sometimes, I just intuitively know that the body needs “energetic rest” and I put all my tags and audios away for at least 16-hours. This recently happened after constantly wearing the new Subconscious Limits Removal tag.
  • One every 3-4 months, I do a 3 (or 5) day water fast, observe silence and stay away from all forms of communication (including reading a book) - and also from all energy work other than just being present. Really helps me clean all the excesses out - physically, emotionally, spiritually!

Hi there! Interesting what your teacher told you about meditation! I agree with her. Sometimes meditation seems like a chore. I find it impossible to meditate in those days or even weeks and more. I have gone to both extremes, from a lot of meditation to not wanting it at all for a long time.
Thanks for sharing your routines around the resting period.
" including reading a book" interesting that… I find refreshing and necessary not doing social media but never tried the book part… Sounds like the brain goes on vacation…or into a trance… :slight_smile: :upside_down_face:

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My teacher (this one) was a “He” :smiley:

If you have never done a dark retreat, that is quite something! Did two of those a decade ago and they were truly life-changing!


When I am too lazy to wash my face, I listen to the subliminals of “cleansing the skin”. hahahahahaha

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:laughing: :laughing:

Sorry , yes, I saw the link after I wrote to you. Hmm… this dark retreat, ( just read about it) seems very challenging… 40 days… seems like a long time to be locked up and the cold water… hell no!!! :laughing:
I can imagine they are life changing. To be honest, at this point in life I wouldn’t want to do it. I will not say never, because maybe sometime in the future I might change my mind.
What do you think were the most important things you learned out them? ( if there were some things you could single out) and care to share.


Does not need to be 40-days, can be 10-days too!

  • Physically - energy shot up to a 100%
  • Emotionally - there was no more guilt, fear of several things, just a sense of freedom and interconnectedness
  • Spiritually - I would rather not share this openly but I will only hint that my macrocosmic orbit opened in a huge way, certain guardian deities that were not responsive before suddenly showed up and the sense of duality between the knower-knowing-known began to diminish (at least during meditation)

The higher goal of this retreat, which experienced rDzogchen practitioners undertake for around 90-days, is the Rainbow Body.

This needs to be undertaken however after a solid foundation and under the guidance of someone really experienced (at least for the first time) as the way of Tantra is much more than just meditating in a dark room! One should be ready to confront one’s demons in a highly exaggerated way so that they can be put to rest forever! Again, this is just one of the many ways to Alchemy, not the only one, but certainly one of the quickest ones! There is a Daoist way and there is the Tantric Buddhist way - while the Daoist way is aimed at alchemy primarily, the Buddhist way is to seek and recognize the Pure Awareness which, when found, instantly connects one to the entire lineage of teachers who have passed down the instruction and attunement to this practice across the ages. It is like you are suddenly connected to thousands of watts of energy and you are zapped! That is the biggest gift of this practice. You will need at least a week to recover before you can resume daily life!


I was just reading the link you sent about the Rainbow Body. Fascinating!
Also, the benefits you gained after your retreats are considerable!! It makes one realize how burdened we are with all sorts of BS and how different we would be if we grew up and lived in a different kind of world. How much more we need to evolve… What are the limitations of our physicality… How it would be if we used easily and at will the “Other Mind” as R. Bandler calls it.
The closest I have been to something like this liberation you mention was during a magic mushroom experience in Mexico years ago, when everything lost importance … Very liberating!
Thanks for sharing all this information!


Wow this is a fascinating reading! Thanks for sharing. x

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